Official {CG} Change Log. Make all change requests here!

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Official {CG} Change Log. Make all change requests here!

Post by Hermskii » Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:03 pm

The change log worked so well for me with the other server I have I thought I'd make one for {CG} too since it is time I paid attention to it as well. Like the other topic made for logging changes, please place all change request here only so I can more easily track what is and isn't done yet as far as stuff people want me to do to the server.

No. Just because you ask for it, it doesn't mean I'll do it. This just makes it easier for me to see what has been asked for and I can track with this and update everyone here about what chnages were approved and made.

Let the new requests begin!


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Re: Official {CG} Change Log. Make all change requests here!

Post by Hermskii » Sun May 02, 2010 10:39 am

Just so you'll know, I was requested by way of email to add back in several maps to {CG} that had allen off the MapVote. After a long look as to why these maps which used to cycle for years fell off the list, I discovered that they were actually removed when I first installed MapVoteLA13.

I knew the problem had to do with the map name starting with a numeric character rather than a letter but could not figure out why they would not show up in the first column when they were in the map cyacle and on the server and redirect server.

A quick call to GOPO saved the day. The second he mentions the filters I use to sort my maps on the server as being a possible issue it all came to me. He explained what I needed to change and I followed the directions and the maps are shoing now. These include maps like 11thHourFlightRisk, 8BallToTheWall etc. They are now playing and I have tested them all. LOL All! All 3 . LOL


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Re: Official {CG} Change Log. Make all change requests here!

Post by Hook » Sun May 02, 2010 10:44 am

Yes, I figured that out when I first installed MapVote - you gotta include the numbers - and also non-alphabetic characters in the first parts of the filters.
MapVote doesn't recognize them.
Underscores aren't a problem, and possibly another character or 2 - you may just have to check after installing maps with weird characters. :wink:

Like a map like DM-[JAG]WierdMap won't register.
You gotta change the filter to include DM-[Jag]W* to get it to show.
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Re: Official {CG} Change Log. Make all change requests here!

Post by gopostal » Sun May 02, 2010 11:38 am

On this same topic I have figured out a way to sort maps into the 4 columns without using the mapvote ini. It's pretty handy if you have several hundred maps and need to sort them out and exceed the 40-odd limit that mapvote has per column.

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Re: Official {CG} Change Log. Make all change requests here!

Post by Hook » Mon May 03, 2010 8:30 am

Isn't the Limit Per Column 256? - or 1020 total maps currently? (for MapVoteLA13)
But anyway, how do you get the maps to sort into the 4 columns Without using the MapVote Filters? :|
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Re: Official {CG} Change Log. Make all change requests here!

Post by gopostal » Mon May 03, 2010 8:59 am

You cant make more than 40-some (I think) map adds in normal mapvote ini in each column. If you add more numbers it simply ignores them.
Ok, download that file. You'll need to make your own, but this will show you how to set it up.

Make a list of all your maps and decide which goes where. Now add all your maps to this in the slots. Here is the top section:

Code: Select all

Mapcount must be correct. Update this if you add maps. Leave M[0] blank. Now from [1] on just start adding your map names. The ":4" after the map name tells it which column to use. Add that for each one, separating them as you want them done.

In the mapvote ini set:
set bReloadMapsOnRequestOnly=True

Now upload the maplisttemp file to the server and restart. DO NOT RELOAD MAPS, this will overwrite your newly uploaded file. The maps should now be sorted into the columns and be all happy and ready for you.

Adoration and tips freely accepted :lol:
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Re: Official {CG} Change Log. Make all change requests here!

Post by Hook » Mon May 03, 2010 11:22 am

gopostal wrote:You cant make more than 40-some (I think) map adds in normal mapvote ini in each column. If you add more numbers it simply ignores them.
Oh - you mean List Filters -
You can make 48 different Filters for Each Column.
But EACH Filter can load many maps - as long as the combination of filters do not load more than 256 maps for each column.
You can currently have about 256 maps load into Each Column or 1,024 total maps load including all 4 columns in MapVoteLA13. :wink:
It MAY be able to load more than 256 per column, as long as the maximum amount of 1,024 maps total of the 4 columns isn't exceeded. <-(Not sure about this one)

OK - I'll take a look at it and use it if and when necessary.
Thanks Gopo! (the adoration) :lol:
Tip? - Don't except any wooden nickels! :shock: (old one I know)

EDIT: I thought I saw somewhere that someone MAY be extending (or trying to extend) the map amounts in MapVote - was it on your Development site Gopo?

EDIT AGAIN: OK - this is how I am GUESSING that you found this out... :P
When in the MapVote.ini and the setting bReloadMapsOnRequestOnly=True is set to true, MapVote creates an ini file on its own called: MapListTemp.ini
In that created ini file is the list that MapVote will display based on the Last Map ReLoad.
You took that ini file and Altered it to fit your needs and wants for the 4 columns.
This works when the setting bReloadMapsOnRequestOnly=True is set to true, as MapVote won't reload the columns based on a new reload unless YOU Request it.
So, the 4 columns remain as is until the maps are reloaded into MapVote Manually or Requested.
Nice find!!! - I love these things - Am I correct? :P
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Re: Official {CG} Change Log. Make all change requests here!

Post by Fuzz_Ball » Mon May 03, 2010 6:51 pm

You cant make more than 40-some (I think) map adds in normal mapvote ini in each column. If you add more numbers it simply ignores them.
Fo' Reals?

Wow, I better check my column totals.
The House O' Fuzz could be missing out on some naabish maps! :mrgreen:
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Re: Official {CG} Change Log. Make all change requests here!

Post by Hook » Mon May 03, 2010 10:38 pm

Fuzz_Ball wrote:
You cant make more than 40-some (I think) map adds in normal mapvote ini in each column. If you add more numbers it simply ignores them.
Fo' Reals?

Wow, I better check my column totals.
The House O' Fuzz could be missing out on some naabish maps! :mrgreen:
NO! That is Not Fo' Reals!
Read MY Post just above yours! :roll:
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Re: Official {CG} Change Log. Make all change requests here!

Post by gopostal » Mon May 03, 2010 11:40 pm

Yes hook, it is fo' reals. You are misunderstanding what I'm trying to explain and what Fuzz is asking. I'm talking about not using wildcards (the "*" symbol) at all.

Mapvote has slots for 48 maps in each column. If you try to add 49 and on it will just ignore them. The map arrays are probably hard coded and Cratos has not updated this. You can get around this by using wildcards like you are thinking but it's an imperfect solution. If I want to sort maps by other arbitrary ways like "big maps" or "maps with low grav" then the wildcards are useless. The way I explained will allow you to sort many hundreds of maps in any way you like.

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Re: Official {CG} Change Log. Make all change requests here!

Post by Hook » Tue May 04, 2010 8:19 am

Yes I DO understand but it seems that others are seeing this that they can only load 40+ maps per column - and that is it any way you do it.
I myself totally get what you are saying but admins here are probably worried that, even using the wild cards "*", etc., that they aren't going to see more than 48 maps in a column.
You should have said that you meant NOT using any wild cards. :?

But that isn't what Cratos intended - he intended the use of wild cards.
To get around it, you could list say all low grav maps in the first column, even using wild cards if needed, then those maps will not load into the other columns, or also by creating another Prefix if you wish.
Cratos outlines this in his readme also.
But yes, it isn't a perfect solution. :|
Your work around is a good one, but I don't think it would work for multi-game type servers.
It will work great for ALL MH or ALL Redeemer (Single Game Type) servers though. :P

OK admins -> What Gopo means is like he just said in the above post.
He is talking about MapVote only loading 48 maps per column IF you load the maps using the list filters WITHOUT any wild cards.

I wonder why he has a total capacity of 1,024 maps with up to 256 maps per column, but only 48 maps can be sorted in the list filters without wild cards. :roll:
Of course your work-around solves this for single game type servers. :D
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Re: Official {CG} Change Log. Make all change requests here!

Post by gopostal » Tue May 04, 2010 8:33 am

Hook, you are killing me here. Please don't post for me, I'll explain my stuff. I never mentioned wildcards. I clearly stated maps are added individually:
You cant make more than 40-some (I think) map adds in normal mapvote ini in each column. If you add more numbers it simply ignores them.
Again, you are wrong. This will work just fine on a multi-server. It only sorts the maps into your prescribed columns, mapvote still controls the mod loadout for each gametype. You can't have multiple mod loadouts for the same gametype, but then again you never could without adding a differing prefix (iDM, xMH, etc). If you want, I'll sort my testserver tonight with any sort of mod/map configuration you think is not possible.

Now please stop shooting from the cuff on things you think are "probably" right. Admins are going to read this and be confused when there is no reason to be.

Oh, and you ask why there is a 1024 limit? Think base2. Dynamic arrays like to be in base2.

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Re: Official {CG} Change Log. Make all change requests here!

Post by Hook » Tue May 04, 2010 9:24 am

OK - I'll stay totally OUT of it.
I just didn't think it was that clear that you meant without using wild cards is all. :roll:
You didn't really say that.
Fuzz looked a bit alarmed by what you said and I'll bet he is using wild cards in his list filters and I'll bet he still thought he might be having the problem you stated of only 40+ maps per column showing.
Oh, and you ask why there is a 1024 limit? Think base2. Dynamic arrays like to be in base2.
Please! that isn't what I was saying/asking.
I just thought it funny that if you had that amount total, why only have 48 spaces for maps for each of the 4 columns.
THAT was the point and the only one!

That is the trouble with written posts - neither one of us are connecting here. :|
Why not just post the MapVote.ini showing the use of different game types and the use of the MapListTemp.ini?
That would clear it up!

I'll stay out of anything technical on THIS forum, at least anything that you post! - Neither one of us are Stupid! - SORRY & DONE! :|
I'll just post on my forums any tech support that I know! (grits teeth)
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Re: Official {CG} Change Log. Make all change requests here!

Post by gopostal » Tue May 04, 2010 10:18 am

Ease up dude. It's not a big deal.

I didn't write this as a tutorial, i was just responding to a couple of questions about how to do this. Had this been one of my tutorials I can assure you there would be no misunderstandings. Picking my repsonses apart is somewhat silly and counterproductive.

Admins: If you want to use it, contact me and I'll help you set it up. That's probably best at this point.

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Re: Official {CG} Change Log. Make all change requests here!

Post by Fuzz_Ball » Tue May 04, 2010 2:29 pm

There goes Gopo, stirring up the poop as usual.
You snarkey loon, I misunderstood you as well.
Am I to understand that by the limit of 48 maps, you mean 48 "literal" map names per column? And by wildcard you mean, for example MH-!* thru MH-D* for column 1 and so on?
Now you got old Hook excited and agitated. You must remember, he's nearly 50 and shouldn't be subjected to this kind of stress. He is a Grammpaw fer cryin' out loud!
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