Why is this?

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Why is this?

Post by Hermskii » Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:07 am

I have noticed something odd in Monster Hunt about the way my player looks. It seems that although I can check my own options and they reflect the way I want my player to look, He actually has a different look in the game. It is easier to show you than explain so try this and see if you can figure out why this is happening and tell me if there is something I can do about it.

Go to your Player Set-Up options and set up your player to look like how I have mine set up:

Team: Red
Class: Skaarj Hybrid
Skin: Pit Fighter
Face: Skrilax

That being done, and the face button being selected at the bottom of the player view screen, you should see how I expect to look on all maps. Basically, I'm a big, ugly, red suited, white skulled Skaarj with a bullet hole in my scalp and lights for eyeballs. Pretty cool huh?

Well, the problem is that when I'm in MHM or many other MH servers, my face automatically changes to "Baetal" instead of "Skrilax". That makes me look like a big, ugly, red suited, white skulled Skaarj with a bullet hole in my scalp wearing cheap green sunglasses instead of cool small lightning balls for eyeballs.

I have checked the logs after connecting while no one else was playing and I find this error specifically regarding my player connection when I join:

Log: Package 'MultiMesh' is not accessible in this sandbox
Warning: Failed to load 'Class MultiMesh.TSkaarj': Failed to find object 'Class MultiMesh.TSkaarj'
Warning: Failed to find object 'Class MultiMesh.TSkaarj'

I'm positive this indicates what the problem is but I don't know what this means. Is it a problem with that particular map or am I missing files on the server. Maybe the MH mod itself is lacking this or these files or classes. Maybe the Vahalla mod is preventing it from loading properly though it isn't supposed to impeed skins but rather enable them for others to see provided they have the same skin installed. The Skaarj skin I use came in Bonus Pack 1. Most people have it. I do so I should be able to use it with Vahalla mod with no problems at all.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. A fix would be even more appreciated and if it does ever get fixed, I sure would like to have my proper player appearance immortalized in a map or 3 some day (hint hint Derdak2rot and Nr 2000). So please give this a good look and let me know what I need to do in order to always appear as I should whenever I play. Thanks!


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Post by derdak2rot » Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:35 am

have you the bonus pack 4 fix installed on your server .

i remember it fix some meshes from the original bonus pack 4 . :wink:
arrgh ! lost my head !

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Re: Why is this?

Post by Nr.2000 » Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:39 am

When I log in on your server the skin seams to work fine. :?

Do you see the skin right yourself when playing, or is it only the other players that don't see the skull?

Jackie also has some problems with the nali on his server, and Chico used to have it with several different skins until he removed Pure.
Hermskii wrote:Well, the problem is that when I'm in MHM or many other MH servers, my face automatically changes to "Baetal" instead of "Skrilax". That makes me look like a big, ugly, red suited, white skulled Skaarj with a bullet hole in my scalp wearing cheap green sunglasses instead of cool small lightning balls for eyeballs.
Now don't make fun of Nameless' skin. ;)

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Post by Hermskii » Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:21 am

I am unaware of any fix for Bonus Pack 4 and yes, all of the files for all of the bonus packs are installed on the server except for BP2 which as you know causes file mismatch errors with the .de file.

When I installed Vahalla, it mentions that you can remove all of the ServerPackage lines from the ini. I did that. I am going to put them back and see if that makes a difference. I bet that has something to do with it!

Nr 2000. I will have to get back with you on your questions as I'm unsure of the answers at this time. I'm looking forward to answering your email you sent with the last version of your map. I played it and like and still have more suggestions like 2 more titans in the gatekeeper room and have 3 come to life at a time. Fighting 2 at a time changed the aura of that room totally! It was a great move since you have to look over your shoulder the whole time. Fighting three at a time will be the perfect number and I think that they, the titans are set too strong still each. More on all of this later. I'm going to play with a pen and paper in hand so I can capture all comments and send them your way.

BTW. I noticed this same error on CG too so I'm leaning towards blaming the vahalla mod for all of this. I will re-add back in the lines I took out of the ServerPackages for the UT.ini and reboot then connect to see. Later!


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Post by Hermskii » Sat Aug 13, 2005 12:05 pm

I fixed the problem. It happened because I had removed the line for multimeshes. I put it back and it works. Thanks! Now I can be immortalized in maps properly some day!!!


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Post by twsted » Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:14 pm

There is also a advanced model support umod for some skins and it also fixes some other issues with your models


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Post by Hermskii » Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:35 pm

Thanks, I have that installed already. It is good to go.


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