Just missed you Nameless...

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Just missed you Nameless...

Post by Hermskii » Sun Jan 30, 2011 12:44 am

I saw you on earlier today Nameless and tried to join you but you got out seconds before I got there. Grrrrrrr! I was going to tell you to get on tonight so we could rock! I've been real busy today working on the {HOHCUTS} server and have everything there worked out pretty much. I'm enjoying watching {MHM} being played by several folks right now but I'm in no mood for Monster Hunt right now either.

This new {HOHCUT2K4} server is just beautiful to me! UT is so much more crisp and clean visually to me but this UT2004 Chaos server is just too much fun to ignore and it is just awesome visually! This mod and UT2004 just go together!


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Re: Just missed you Nameless...

Post by Sir Mandrake » Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:30 am

Once I get UT2k4 installed again...I'll be checking that out Herm. Sounds like a blast!

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Re: Just missed you Nameless...

Post by Hermskii » Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:26 am

It is pretty cool Sir Mandrake to whom I still still owe Christmas pictures of my house (which I still have) to.

The closest thing I can compare it to is UT 4 Ever and or Nali Weapons but consider that Chaos came out many many years back and is no longer on the chart of interest for many. I don't know why to be honest. I don't care about the chart of interest. I care that I liked it and wanted to take the effort to share in the event somebody else might dig it as much as I do. I love it. I wish I had a simple mod that just did some simple health regeneration in game. Some weapons are just too strong. Maybe I have gotten too used to having health regen in Monster Hunt. maybe I just suck too much in a DM environment. I don't know but I don't go in to win. I go in to stick a mine on a wall and watch some other player run by it and get blasted! I like setting up my turrets all over the map so they can kill everyone for me while I set up sticky mines. Don't even get me going about the proxie mines that hunt you down and talk smack to you while they try to kill you. They will stack up on each other if needed in order to jump up on whatever you're standing on to kill you. They say stuff like "Hey! Leave my master alone" and then jump on you and explode. They say about 40 different things I think. Funny funny. they even sing and burp and just everything.

Do you know anything of Chaos or Unreal 4 Ever? They are totally funny. Go try one of my new servers that run these mods. Then imagine it on UT2004! That is what it is. Totally Awesome! End of Line. LOL.

There isn't too much laughing in Monster Hunt but in a full server of this mod, the LOL's will never stop especially when played amongst friends. I look forward to you getting UT2004. Still to this day, it is the only release since UT(99) that most UT fans approve of as far as feeling right like UT does. Seems Epic screws up every other release of UT. With that said, the next one should be AWESOME!


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Re: Just missed you Nameless...

Post by Sir Mandrake » Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:27 pm

In the early days of UTGOTY I got Chaos and UT4E when they were being developed and totoally loved it. Back then there were an abundance of servers running these mods. Oer time they kind of burned out as the new UT games were released. I dont think I ever got these mods on UT2k4 as I kept playing it on UTGOTY LoL. Ill be getting UT2k4 loaded up soon to check that out for sure.

...oh and yes, you still owe me that picture of your house.. :P
--- END OF LINE ---


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Re: Just missed you Nameless...

Post by a nameless entity » Sun Jan 30, 2011 5:36 pm

Sorry about that Herm. What time did it happen? Around 6:30 pm your time I quit to go make supper, and later in the evening I quit when I got dropped.
Do not assume that the problem for that is at your end, because I'm getting dropped from the European Lineage II server I play on every now and then also. I've seen my ISP's service van out on the street a couple of times, so maybe there's a problem that they know about. Perhaps they'll even get it fixed. Stranger things have happened in the past. :o :lol:
I'm a man........but I can change........if I have to........I guess

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