Hey Herm! Want some new maps for the server?

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a nameless entity
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Hey Herm! Want some new maps for the server?

Post by a nameless entity » Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:01 am

I spent some time today looking at the maps I have in my game of UT2k4. Most of what I have is already on your server, but of those maps that are not, the following list is recommended. I have replayed them today with the chaos 2k4 mod enabled, and they seem to pass muster. One map, HMS Stormwitch, does not necessarily play all that well as a Deathmatch map perhaps, but it is interestingly different. It is a very nicely done concept map that is fun to look at and explore.

Here is the list. I thought that the 1 on 1 maps were part of the standard issue for UT2k4, but perhaps I am wrong about that. I thought that they should work at least as well as what is already on the server.

1 on 1 Irondust

1 on 1 Mixer

DM Ashar

DM Abandoned Crypt

DM C4-Ariza-Beta

DM Flightunleashed

DM HMS Stormwitch

DM Nirvana][

DM Radikus 2k4

DM Sae

If you wish I will send you the maps, although that means that I may need to send you certain texture or music files later. Sorry, I don't have any of them as they were when I downloaded from the internet any more. Perhaps you know some place that might have still them available to download?
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Re: Hey Herm! Want some new maps for the server?

Post by Hermskii » Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:30 am

I greatfully accept anything you send to me Nameless and if you can do the front work of finding and testing and listing these maps, I can do the back work of finding any missing files and installing them here on the server.

http://www.UT-Files.com comes to mind but I'm unsure if it includes UT2004 stuff there. I'm not even sure of that link but I'm not at home and can't confirm right now.

Don't let me off the hook with the other MH maps you sent me either. I have a busy-busy week and weekend planned so it will be many days before I can sit down and get all of this done. Hopefully Monday might work out for me.


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Re: Hey Herm! Want some new maps for the server?

Post by a nameless entity » Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:45 am

Oh wow, that's an awesome link Herm. If you look over to the right at the top of the page you'll see a link to take you to the UT2004 maps.

Someone is working very hard to preserve UT maps. My only quibble would be that he put them in alphabetical order in his list. My original idea was just to send you a few maps that I had considered good enough to keep on my PC, but in looking over all of the UT2k4 maps that are remakes of classic UT99 DM maps, I realize that some of them don't pass muster by comparison. Now I realize that we should really look at all of your DM maps on CG, and choose the ones that will work best for Chaos UT. Then go see if we can find the maps in a UT2004 repository someplace.

Ah, it seems all that I have done is found more work to do instead! :lol:

I have found only a couple of the maps that I wanted to send you, but there's also a map pack and a map called "DM-nameless" that I couldn't resist downloading, plus some others. ;)
I will test them and pass on the good ones. :)

*Edit: Bah, all of the new ones that caught my eye were very small 1 on 1 maps, and not suitable. Bummer. :?
Back to plan #1. I will compress and send you the maps I mentioned already.
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Re: Hey Herm! Want some new maps for the server?

Post by Hermskii » Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:00 pm

Roger that Nameless. Yes, this link is a project of SKILLZ, the owner of Planet MonsterHunt. I just asked him last night if I could have it all when he dies. LOL


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