Too Much

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Killer Klownz
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Too Much

Post by Killer Klownz » Sun Dec 26, 2010 2:33 pm

Hermskii please go ahead and deactivate my account. I've seen to many unsubstantiated accusations posted here as of late. I disagree that people are not allowed to defend themselves here or that they must somehow toe the party line. Having been accused of something myself here I though it was paramount to be able to defend myself until my accuser HAD to admit that he could not prove anything. I appreciate the fact that this is your forum and yours to do with as you please. But I cannot condone its direction nor is it in my belief system not to let people, no matter who they are, defend themselves. Again thanx for the help with the redirects for my server. It was appreciated . . .
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Re: Too Much

Post by Hermskii » Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:43 pm

Hello Klownz. Your words are taken to heart yet I won't deactivate your account. Just like I told POTS, if you don't want to be here or post here then don't. It is just that easy. It was my pleasure assisting you when you ran your server and your Spider Bots will never be forgotten. Man those things were mean!

About people not being able to defend themselves here: I pretty much gave everyone their fair chance to say their piece and then drop it when I suggested it and they didn't. More importantly by far are there were others here that are cold busted when it comes to breaking the rules and especially those I has a covenant with where I gave them more power here than others. Some of them lied to me directly about their motives and actions and I didn't know what they had done here until almost too late. The main point being that they intentionally, against my wishes and then by way of lying to cover their tracks took actions I considered to be an attack on this community. Shame on me for letting it get as far as it did before I noticed which was very shortly after the crimes were committed. I can easily prove my point and if it what happened here happened to you, you too would say I waited too long to act and that my measures were SOFT!

I appreciate that you "kindly" requested what you did. I'm also already reconsidering not deactivating your account because you too are reacting in favor of a person I know to be a liar and a very sick one at that. Unlike others, I have not posted evidence to prove my point but consider this for a second. Have I ever lied to you. Anyone? No. The truth is easy to see just based on post that have been made already by others. I can confirm they speak the truth as I have seen with my own eyes not to mention what only I have seen here in my logs and emails.

Please do go ahead and do what you think is right. I'm not looking over my shoulder or backwards to the ugly past. I won't blame you for making a choice without all of the facts but when when someone you trusts tells you something, you should listen to them. I've said enough. Peace to you in your life. Be careful who you do and don't listen to.


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Re: Too Much

Post by Hermskii » Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:50 pm

Pretty cool by the way how you and so many others here or those who used to be can't properly spell the version of the word "too" as used in the meaning of "with or also" as compared to the word "to".

Hmmmm? This kind of bad grammar does smell funny and familiar. Yeah, I think I will go ahead and deactivate your account Klownz. Chances are good you aren't an alias but chances are better you a sympathiser to a crew that I and many others here no longer want an association with. There you have it. Once again, I will have given a member here what they asked for! I should really stop being so soft.


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