What should be next as far as a new server?

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What mod should the next server I make use?

ChaosUT for UT
ChaosUT for UT2004
Nali Weapons 3
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What should be next as far as a new server?

Post by Hermskii » Tue Dec 21, 2010 11:28 am

I've been in discussion with several people for a few days trying to decide what is next as far as my next server. I'm certainly leaning towards ChaosUT for UT but all of the options are really good.

I have lots of days off from work coming and see myself getting enough time sit down and do this. It will be a slow moving process but once it is out there and working the fun will begin.


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Re: What should be next as far as a new server?

Post by Hook » Tue Dec 21, 2010 1:29 pm

I voted "Chaos for UT"
I have always liked Chaos, but have rarely played it.
Just an FYI, CLD is currently planning on adding "Nali Weapons 3" very soon, so i thought the "Chaos for UT" for your next server would be a better choice.
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Re: What should be next as far as a new server?

Post by Hermskii » Tue Dec 21, 2010 2:40 pm

Yeah. I think it will go that route. I noticed just today that Killerbee already has some NaliWeapon servers running. I have no idea about if there are any UT4Ever servers running and if there are any ChaosUT servers running, I am unaware of them period. I'm trolling for that info in other forums right now in fact! Peace!


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Re: What should be next as far as a new server?

Post by Hermskii » Wed Dec 22, 2010 1:38 am

Done! It will be a ChaosUT for UT server. I should have it up and going this weekend. We'll see. I haven't built a server from the ground up in about 4 years and maybe even longer. The deciding factor was I was requested by people not of this forum to do the original forum and then others on other forums informed me there already were other ChaosUT for UT2004 servers running.

I ran one of these Chaos server a long long time ago for a short period. This should not be too big of a deal at all but it may take longer than I expect with Christmas and family all coming in this weekend and all. Can you smell the excuses yet? LOL.

Anyways, there you have it. I'm going to go the way of CHAOSUT next!


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Re: What should be next as far as a new server?

Post by BIOMECH » Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:12 am

I only had one opportunity to play Chaos UT, and that was one match several years ago. I'd like to see it again and get a better grasp of it this time around. I just have vague memories about swords, crossbows and claws.

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Re: What should be next as far as a new server?

Post by Hermskii » Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:24 am

LOL! Yeah it has all of that and some other really cool stuff. Your wait won't be long. It is easy enough to play. It is sort of like playing a DM-Deck16][ but all of the weapons have been changed with other weapons that do include swords and stuff like that but there is this super cool robot you can call down from space and it shoots up everything for you and you get the points and there is the gravitron or something like that. It makes a black hole that is nearly impossible to escape and again, you get all the frags for everyone it kills. FUN! I'm pretty excited!


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Re: What should be next as far as a new server?

Post by Hook » Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:59 am

Don't forget thsoe Oh So FUN Proximity Mines - with the smiley faces - the ones that follow you until you can shake them on some other poor player LOL!!! :lol:
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Re: What should be next as far as a new server?

Post by Hermskii » Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:43 am

Hahaha! Yeah I totally forgot about those too. The little smile face bombs that say bad stuff to you just before they jump on you and explode! LOLOLOL! The ones in ChaosUT for UT2004 are even better. They say over 200 things and have AI too. They stack up on each other to get tall enough to jump on to you when you're on a box! LOL.


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Re: What should be next as far as a new server?

Post by Sir Mandrake » Wed Dec 22, 2010 4:02 pm

Hermskii wrote:Hahaha! Yeah I totally forgot about those too. The little smile face bombs that say bad stuff to you just before they jump on you and explode! LOLOLOL! The ones in ChaosUT for UT2004 are even better. They say over 200 things and have AI too. They stack up on each other to get tall enough to jump on to you when you're on a box! LOL.
Oh yeah! I remember playing a UT2004 server once and thos ebombs were doing all sorts of freakish things that would creep any person out.

Question about deploying the ChaosUT. Will you have a package to download prior to joining the server and play? I remember ChaosUT for UT99 was rather large and took a while to download. Maybe I was on a server with no redirect, reason why it was slow going. I havent recently played a ChaosUT server to know for sure..
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Re: What should be next as far as a new server?

Post by Hermskii » Wed Dec 22, 2010 4:20 pm

There is a package but I forget how much of it needs to be on the redirect. No matter, I will have it tested and all the redirects will be highspeed. I'll set it up like CG and MHM where all you have to have is UT installed and the 436 patch installed. After that, all of the servers I have ever run have always delivered every single other file to you at full speed. I will have a link to it on my website and I'll post it here when it is tested and working right. Peace!


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Re: What should be next as far as a new server?

Post by LePoLoo » Wed Dec 22, 2010 5:05 pm

lol I shouldn't vote as I don't know any of the modes in the list but I like the idea of something on UT2004 :wink:

Nevertheless, as I can't play a lot, I'll come and see now and then if I remember how to play. :D
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Re: What should be next as far as a new server?

Post by 5i1ent/3ob » Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:13 am

Oh, I was sort of hoping it was like the old Quake II Chaos mod. That was the best!
It had the grappling hook and the coolest exploding arrows, laser mines and the all important Vortex Tornado! Oh yeah, and proximity mines too:)!!

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Re: What should be next as far as a new server?

Post by Hermskii » Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:49 am

Then you will be pleased Silent Bob! It pretty much has all of that stuff! I can't recall the grappling hook but I can get that in no problem. I did last time too when I ran one of these servers. I may have to go ahead and start a ChaosUT server for UT2004 as well. That version of Chaos is just so awesome to see and the improvements they made to the mod were awesome!

One server at a time though! UT first always, and UT2004 maybe later.


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Re: What should be next as far as a new server?

Post by Hook » Thu Dec 23, 2010 3:02 pm

Hey, that all sounds Great Hermskii! :P

Also, 5i1ent/3ob, it is Really Good to see you play under your real player name again! :D
I LOVE it!
It is so much like a breath of fresh air to not have to have the "M" word harassing you or others on the servers anymore!!! :mrgreen:
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Re: What should be next as far as a new server?

Post by 5i1ent/3ob » Thu Dec 23, 2010 7:08 pm

Oh man! It's going to be so much fun to play Chaos again!
It's nice being back here too...real nice. No tension in the air and everyone amongst friends.
Now we're free to grow into the "brotherhood" we deserve and in doing that we will reacquire exactly the components that made the old days what they were to us.
It wasn't so much the mod or the game as some ppl believe. It was the way we treated each other!
For folks who weren't around for the early days I feel bad for ya I really do. What we had back then was nothing short of amazing. A server full of good friends, a sense of being sincerely welcomed and it was like that everyday.
There was no angst anywhere in site simply because we gave no one any reason to express angst. Those who won truly wanted those who didn't to get better and those who didn't win had endless encouragement from those who did.
Having a good time and some laughs was somehow more important to us than winning was. Strange concept huh?
I think maybe when you're playing among brothers and sisters you can't help but want everyone to do well, so that's how we acted.
I was a negative frag monster for months and the only reason why I stuck it out was because the other players wanted me to. "Don't quit Bob, Don't give up bro, you'll get better I promise, try doing this instead", etc, etc, etc.
When you have that kind of genuine support it becomes more about being with good people than being a great player, which takes the sting out of sucking and believe me I sucked worse than anyone in the game's history.
Everything was the opposite back then. Back then someone NOT talking between matches would have seemed really odd to us!
Everyone was friendly and most of us couldn't wait to get home so we could jam out together because it was a gathering of pals and that made it fun.
I get the feeling things are headed back in that direction and I'm pretty excited about this!
I honestly believe that soon we will all be in agreement that this was worth the sacrifice of putting a foot down and ending the days of lunacy.

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