Anything Coronavirus

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Anything Coronavirus

Post by Hermskii » Fri Mar 20, 2020 11:15 am


Do any of you know anyone with this virus yet? Are you hunkered down per the request of the health experts? Are you scared? Let it all out!


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Re: Anything Coronavirus

Post by Hermskii » Sun Mar 22, 2020 9:54 pm

Fine. 25+ views on this topic and not 1 reply. That has to be a record for this forum which by far is the most open, respectful forum ever created back 10+ years ago etc etc.

I already work from home and haven been for a year or two. My wife started working from home a week ago. My 2 kids both being boys ages 15-years old and 12-years old have been home for the last week on Spring Vacation. We went nowhere. I will continue to work from home and am mildly concerned for my job for about one more month starting 04/01/20. My wife will keep working from home and I think she will be safe for about one more month. Both kids start school again on the 24th of this month. I have configured their computers to connect to their classroom via everything and camera. I feel bad for the parents who aren't IT professionals such as myself but this is easy stuff and there is support for them from both of my kids schools.

We are trying to stay at home and do the social distance stuff. we did go grocery shopping the other day and got enough to stay home a week. I also went to the computer place and bought stuff my kids needed to connect to school.

I bought another motorcycle a few days ago and expect it to get delivered soon. It is a used bike and people will drop it off here. I will wear gloves, push it into the garage and let it sit for several days before i touch it. No problem there.

I'm in Houston. I suspect all of us will catch this virus at some point. I suspect my family and I will get past it soon and easily enough as we are young and healthy enough. (Praying)

I have lots of friends who still have to work in car parts supply positions and family who work in jobs where they are still expected to show up and work. They are mad about this. The people I sell motor oil to seem to still be ordering like normal and are still open and working which I fell bad for but I'm told they met specs to be considered important enough to stay open.

We will continue to try to stay at home for the next couple of weeks. W are not worried for ourselves but are worried for those not as healthy as we are. That is why we stay home. If it can help, why not try to help.

God Bless all of you! Stay safe.


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Re: Anything Coronavirus

Post by Dr.Flay » Mon Mar 23, 2020 12:39 am

The UT sites have been low on my radar apart from some admin duty at
I have been quite occupied with this since the beginning of the year, when the tech industry started getting twitchy and moving production.

I know of 1 young mother in the town near me who is sure she has it, but unless you have difficulty breathing they won't let you go to the hospital and get tested.
She is a non-smoker with a healthy diet and in her 20s, and does not usually suffer badly with flu. Her kids had a cough then she caught it initially mildly.
She thought she was getting over it but it kicked in a couple of days ago and she is having a rough time.
The confirmed count everywhere is the tip of an iceberg.
20 confirmed cases in Cornwall, so we can assume they have been in contact with at least 10 people each, more if they squeezed into the supermarket for shopping.

UV light also kills the virus so if you can leave the bike outside in the sun for a day it will deal with most of it.
However you could treat it to a nice soapy wash.

Yeah lucky for some that IT skills are now extra handy, while the others now wish they had spent less time on consoles.
"The geeks shall inherit the earth".
I live a remote life pretty much, and go to the edge of the nearby town once a week for shopping and on a friday night to do the radio show.
Not much will change for me apart from becoming paranoid.
I visited my Mum yesterday as it will be the last time for a while and if she may not cope with the mild version due to a progressive respiratory disease.
Thankfully as we are at the remote edge of the country the virus has only hit a few. As of today it was 20 confirmed cases in Cornwall.
She has already made her peace due to her condition so she is not in a panic about this. Already we have to avoid contact if any of us have a normal cold or flu as it would likely kill her.
I am glad I live out in the country and the farms are varied and productive, often 3 crops per field in a year.
Food shortage I am not so worried about. Idiocy and selfishness I am worried about.

I also wonder how the sewers and treatment plants are going to cope with all of this extra washing and chemicals.
States in America that currently export their sewer waste due to lack of processing capacity, may be in for a nasty shock soon if the states previously dealing with it decide they have a higher priority.

Unfortunately certain assumptions are being made due to the stats not being given full context.
Being old and in ill-health puts you in a high risk group, however the virus has a rough 80/20 split of 80% mild 20% serious, across people of all standards of health and ages.
If you are in the high risk group you may still get the mild version and be fine, and if you are in the low risk group you may get the serious version and be hospitalised in a critical condition.
That includes non-smoking health nuts in the prime of life. ... errifying/

The important factor is, younger healthier people are more likely to survive if they get the treatment they need.
Many deaths are simply due to not enough ventilators to go round.
Thankfully this was the first thing Boris asked the UK tech companies to come up with (though still very late in the scheme of things), and as of yesterday there is a prototype so if all goes well and it does not need much changing we can start production soon.
I have heard a journalist in the IT industry comment that he wouldn't trust some home-made ventilator made by random joe, but he is forgets what you can pull out of the bag during war time. If soldiers can put together manually powered basic life saving apparatus in the field, we can do better with the industries at hand.
And if it comes to a choice between no ventilator, and one with string and tape holding it together, I know which I would opt for.

I am adding useful links to my blog as I find them.
I am also adding links related to the tech world here
This includes covid malware and scams !

Not related but recently popular, I have also been collecting freebie games for my radio show so you may find plenty of games to amuse the family over the coming weeks.

Good luck to you and all of us.
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Re: Anything Coronavirus

Post by EvilGrins » Mon Mar 23, 2020 1:49 am

Pandemics like this are to be expected, or at least I have since the last couple prior made them seem more likely to occur in my lifetime. I'm not nervous, per se... knew we'd have another one before too long.

Been keeping track of this · ... 7b48e9ecf6

I don't check it everyday, but definitely more than a few times a week.

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Re: Anything Coronavirus

Post by Hermskii » Mon Mar 23, 2020 11:09 am

Funny or sad how in the listings for "Total Deaths" they go from highest to lowest naming country's but all the suddenly there is New York City of which is not a country.


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Re: Anything Coronavirus

Post by Hook » Mon Mar 23, 2020 4:50 pm

Sorry, I have read this thread since it started, but I have been kinda in a stupor I guess. :roll:
I should have replied though, but I just haven't been real motivated.

Anyway ...
Yeah, the wife and I are in a similar way, as my wife has been told to stay home - she works in our school system.
She is vulnerable as she has lung condition called human aniplasmosis.

My work has half of us working from home every other day.
We are waiting for total shut down.
We of course are doing what we can, and hope for the best.

I brought my work computer system home this past weekend.
It all works great.
I can get into everything at my work's network.
Ready to fully work from home when they go totally to it, and/or I decide to work from home.

We no longer have kids at home, so good not to have them under foot LOL.
They are all doing good out on their own.

IF push comes to shove, I can collect unemployment, and then I am able to retire.

Stay Safe my good friends! ;)
Last edited by Hook on Tue Mar 24, 2020 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Anything Coronavirus

Post by Dr.Flay » Tue Mar 24, 2020 1:32 am

As we have made the world smaller with fast international travel, these things are more inevitable than ever.
Everywhere we see it, it is mainly travellers coming home that are spreading it.

We face the same problem as the Spanish Flu epidemic.
It got it's name because a war was on and the 2 countries involved did not want to let it be known they were suffering with disease.
The first reported cases were in Spain where they had no reason to keep it quiet. The name stuck even though it was not from Spain.

Our glorious leaders have 2 main flaws.
1) The belief we are able to solve things only with money and science.
2) They have business interests.

This means they prioritise the financial markets over people, hence you see in the news lots of attempts to say how much this will cost the economy, rather than how much it will cost in lives.
The delay in locking down everywhere has been accompanied repeatedly by how much inconvenience and impact to the economy it would cost.
People argue, Oh but without a good economy the people can't buy anything and suffer.
I say, without healthy people there is no healthy market and people suffer.
I say, Are we here to serve the market, or is the market here to serve us ?
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Re: Anything Coronavirus

Post by Hook » Tue Mar 24, 2020 8:21 am

Dr.Flay wrote:
Tue Mar 24, 2020 1:32 am
As we have made the world smaller with fast international travel, these things are more inevitable than ever.
Everywhere we see it, it is mainly travelers coming home that are spreading it.

We face the same problem as the Spanish Flu epidemic.
It got it's name because a war was on and the 2 countries involved did not want to let it be known they were suffering with disease.
The first reported cases were in Spain where they had no reason to keep it quiet. The name stuck even though it was not from Spain.

Our glorious leaders have 2 main flaws.
1) The belief we are able to solve things only with money and science.
2) They have business interests.

This means they prioritize the financial markets over people, hence you see in the news lots of attempts to say how much this will cost the economy, rather than how much it will cost in lives.
The delay in locking down everywhere has been accompanied repeatedly by how much inconvenience and impact to the economy it would cost.
People argue, Oh but without a good economy the people can't buy anything and suffer.
I say, without healthy people there is no healthy market and people suffer.
I say, Are we here to serve the market, or is the market here to serve us ?
I totally agree with you Flay!
*I may Borrow what you just posted* :P

I would rather not have a good portfolio, and save lives and live.
The economy will come back on its own, and good I am sure, but only IF there are healthy, living people!
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Re: Anything Coronavirus

Post by David » Wed Mar 25, 2020 1:48 pm

For a little humor.
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I do not know anyone that has the virus, but I do know people like my mother who by what is described as at risk if they are exposed to the virus.

I retired last November from my previous line of work that I worked in for 20.5 years, my family and I are in the process of moving to another city where my wife has a newer job (she got it in December). I am trying to find a job but so far I have been turned down and with this virus issue now, I do not see me getting hired anytime soon since things are being shut down. My daughters, one in college and the other a Jr in High School are no longer in school. My College daughter, found out that the school will not have a graduation ceremony and that she will get her degree in the mail. Both are doing online school work now.

For me, this whole thing is a little crazy. We have illnesses that have higher mortality than this virus but this virus has shut things down like I have not seen before. The politics is just dividing the people more and they foolishly try to blame the others. Instead of working together, they just bicker like spoiled little children. In my mind, there is no way to stop the world from turning. The world will continue to turn and the virus will run its course, hopefully, with actions that we take, we can slow the process and a vaccine could be processed to help later on. ..Until the next illness. I am not saying to be reckless, but I am also saying that the world cannot live in a protective bubble. We need to be responsible.
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Re: Anything Coronavirus

Post by Hermskii » Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:47 pm

Very interesting all. I had a discussion with my sister tonight about all of this. She is about to turn 50 in a year or two. She is a liberal democrat who lives in Austin, Texas. Imagine that! Anyways, we quickly came to blows arguing about what needs to happen and when and why and how and all. I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that she and I should never talk politics but we can't help it being diametrically opposed and all. I love her and that is all that matters.

I still don't know anyone who knows anyone who has this virus. Davis sounds right about there being far worse sicknesses out there and yet this one has us paralyzed. The one thing I'm sure of is you can't have it both ways. You can hunker down at home, not working, not really paying all your bills and ever expect to be OK. That plan leads to terrible doom. At the same time, if we all work we may all get sick and X% of us die from it. In the end, I think it may be clear that we have to go back to work and earlier than we want to. Why? Because the other option kills a lot more of us over a longer period of time and destroys the country by way of recession / depression. There is no argument here. Kill the country and let us all suffer for years / decades or get back to work and lose X% of our population but recover most of the country and people in several years. Ever heard the term "feathering the clutch?" I think that is our only way out of this. Properly putting people in the jobs back to work to help the masses first. This is a tough balancing act.

You can't make all of the people happy all of the time. You can't save everyone. You can be responsible and hope that others will be too. Good luck with that though. I don't think we are anywhere near seeing the worst of this yet. I figure several more months at least. My family and I will do our best to stay inside and away from people. I think more than half of this country does not have that option. We're screwed.

OK, sorry for all of that. Let's see how different I feel in a week. Talk to you all then!


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Re: Anything Coronavirus

Post by Dr.Flay » Tue Mar 31, 2020 10:38 pm

I have noticed a worrying pattern over the past week in the USA, which most of the media seem to be not paying much attention to.
1 million army reservists being called for, while the Pentagon is moving operations to the mountains, and is now asking for their spending to no longer have any oversight (not that it had much).
Hmmmm, soldiers are either used for clearing bodies or making them.
Other countries seem more preoccupied with finding more medical staff rather than soldiers. I really hope that does not go sour but it does not smell good already.

I suggest you have a look for the stories, as they are being covered by most media.
Each can be explained easily enough, but put all 3 together and my spidey-sense is ringing.
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Re: Anything Coronavirus

Post by Hook » Tue Mar 31, 2020 11:36 pm

Dr. Flay BINGO!
The majority of USA citizens have noticed this too.
Been happening for a few years now.
Hopefully things will change by the end of this year. :wink:
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Re: Anything Coronavirus

Post by EvilGrins » Wed Apr 01, 2020 12:29 pm

Hermskii wrote:
Fri Mar 20, 2020 11:15 am
Do any of you know anyone with this virus yet?
A recent article suggested that Covid-19 might not be that new, that it's been in humans for many years but only became a problem recently · ... en-in.html

So, if true, to answer your question... pretty much everybody.

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Re: Anything Coronavirus

Post by Hermskii » Sun May 17, 2020 11:19 pm

Today I met the first person I have ever know to have had corona virus. He and I played soccer for many years back when we were kids from ages 6 to 16 or so. He and his family are well known through all functions at our church. His name is Kevin. Last year to the week, his mother was murdered by an illegal alien who the Houston Police refused to jail for being an illegal alien and let him off the hook for having a broke down truck in the street for a week that had no insurance and you do the math on every other reason he should not have been here but anyways, he knocked on her door. She answered. he killed her 1 year ago this week.

Her son Kevin was at the her house today, I stopped and talked with him. he had gotten Corona Virus Covid 19 in mid Feb and was on a ventilator for about weeks and finally released a few weeks later. He got out of the hospital around March 17th he said.

He said it kicked hid butt. He could not breath, had the cough. Had high fever and lost 30 lbs while on ventilator. He said it made him totally weak. and he was sure he was going to die. He is doing much better now but still tired and still has a cough. More on this as I hear more from him. He looked good when I saw him today.


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Re: Anything Coronavirus

Post by Hook » Wed Jun 10, 2020 9:06 pm

Yep, like I posted before, a relation to me had his butt kicked by Corona virus too.
Left him in bad shape and he was about 40 and in good health before.
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