Explain your nickname

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Explain your nickname

Post by EvilGrins » Fri May 25, 2012 4:13 pm

Saw this over at DestinationUnreal's forums. Thought it'd be fun here too:

"Explain why you chose the nickname you go by here" or something to that effect.

As to mine:
I'm a fairly big goofball. Often going for the silly before the serious. I'm the guy my friends come to when they need to be cheered up and I'm the one that often plays goofy pranks on people, or mindgames, to get them into gigglefits.

That big ol' demented smile you'd see on Bugs Bunny's face when he got caught pulling shenanigans? That's an evil grin if there ever was one.

So, many an evil grin over the years = EvilGrins

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Re: Explain your nickname

Post by David » Fri May 25, 2012 4:44 pm

As to mine:
I used to be fairly big goofball to those who were close to me. I used to go for the silly before the serious. I'm the guy my friends used to come to when they need to be protected or they felt someone was bugging them, and I'm the one that used to play goofy pranks on friends. I played a lot of mind games in the past, to get them to react.

BUT then I changed. I grew up some due to life changes and I moved away from friends as we all do when we grow up and live our lives. Now, all that I value is my family (wife and kids and of course Mom and Dad).

Most people who do not know me, sees me as being serious and heartless. Those who know me, sees me as being true, honest, and fair. I still am a goofball but, I am still serious more. So my "nickname" is my given name. Having a play/fake "nickname" would not be "grown up". I call it as I see it, and how I see myself is David.

I still like to be goofy, but I am more serious overall now days. I blame it on my job. But it pays the bills. P.S. I used to have the nickname of Danite and Avenging Angel when I first started UT about 10 years ago or so. Why did I have those names? It remind me of the Clint Eastwood films that had the character "man with no name" and or the character called "stranger". Was he a ghost of a murdered person or a destoying angel. Either way, I liked it.
Are you going to pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?

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Re: Explain your nickname

Post by Terraniux » Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:55 pm

I like terrains, plain or full with vegetation - Terra
My harddisk is full with pictures with industrial terrain and nature fields/terrains.
I used the program terragen also alot in the past for my projects for other purposes.

The -niux is something i came up with other nicknames in the past, but I am not sure.
I like when there is a 'X' on something it's end. Something mysterious, unsure, unrevealed, hidden and dark. Also it is somehow a bit hightech nickname.

Then after some time I saw that unreal has a map called 'Terraniux', which I really liked and did inspired me alot.

It was faith that brought me this name, it had to be this way.
Even though it is just a digital world.

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