The Big Question...

Posts about Nelsona's findings in UT!
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The Big Question...

Post by Hermskii » Wed Feb 12, 2014 2:23 pm

So Nelsona,

The big question here is this:

What of your work over all of these years can be used on a new MH server now or a player install that would improve the game? List it out in order your perfect Nelsona quality install.


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Re: The Big Question...

Post by Nelsona » Wed Feb 12, 2014 4:11 pm

With other words what is possible to see in a reworked MH ?
Just a first note: IS place for more but is overriding my skill - so is not perfect. Now, old players knowing old original MH issues might see fixes or supposed fixes if are too chickens:
- monster wild attempting to attack itself or others - not exist in new kinda controller - attack only players or other pawns who fired against them;
- skaarj trash weapons left in place and Skaarj invulnerable bugging F5 teamView and damage - bug eliminated 99% as well - very rare instances with monster having weapon but without to hold it - is still very killable rewarding player with his weapon;
- usuall known sprees present;
- known bonuses - can be removed but not advisable;
- different formula for antiboost;
- rescaled method to gain ammo without a stupid useless pickup loading only logpickup;
- 3 Huds available - old Hud is good in testing purpose (monster patrol, alarm, etc. - for real mappers) - also support for testing pathing;
- Movers - more tunes especially where "mappers" did just a guess work with -100 skill;
- quadshot removed - succesfully replaced with FlakCannon (kinda unbugged at ammo subject);
- destroyed SuperShockRifle bugged (ignorants won't check logs) another one is recreated following Shrimp's rules or crash - DONE;
- tweaks for naughty monsters who tends to fire a wall in infinity;
- CreatureFactories - ruin spam and ruin stupid values - crappy maps are used only by 3 or 5 people in all Planet usually nolifers - players want to play not to mock;
- a very Big Monster (probably the same stupidity as drawscale used) is added back to normal max 2-3 Drawscale to move better and fight well;
- decals added in more, more cases ...;
- orders for monsters used by Factories or pawns in maps are removed if they doesn't have a logic;
- triggering a creature by itself part of a Factory (another noob crappy ideea) is solved;
- etc - I think I forgot all these ... keep going...
A.I. - Split___________
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Re: The Big Question...

Post by Nelsona » Wed Feb 12, 2014 4:36 pm

Monster A.I.
- Monster might deliver attacking when is in alarmpoint (not really always works in original MH);
- Monster call support (like Bot) to a nearby Monster or other monsters depending on threats number (hunters);
- Monster at assumed false skill 7 has now real skill 3 (max) - Meet SkarjSnipers and see your safe death (I say safe because they won't attack dead players :D);
- Teamword is configurable to not mock with some mapping ideea;
- Frequency usage is decreased to gain resources;
- Monsters have their own team - leaded by their Ghost Leader;
- others ? I'm sorry to many add-ons to remember right now;
Future Plans ?
Probably a better technology in seeking player to murder him well. I have to perform some tests in here and to see a map matching a good monster-pathing.
Different control things. Need to recall other issues.

Bot A.I.
- Here is a whole long chapter. All are starting with inventories with new codes to inform about most wanted MH regen style - BOT knows it this time.
- Bot support (following original rules but improving hunting) is available and probably still tunable - Bot cannot run and gun, MonsterWayPoint cannot be touched normally by Bot if is engajed in combat, is simply ignored until he killed the threat;
- Bot has info about big threats, monsters counted or meant to deal with doors;
- Bot is not glad if some freak pawn is attacking - might respond properly, including at wild cannons;
- Bot boosted by a monster on a plane field might recover navigation prety well even is too far from pathnodes - Don't worry, I'm using a normal engine, nothing hacked - is just a new technology developed by ME;
- Bot reached at End will wait there to see what's happening without to run in place. In fact if map is bad Bot won't run in place as is doing in original MH;
- Bot might recognize powerfull monsters and will retreat randomly minding this threat a bit more than a crappy chainsaw against a Titan;
- Bot will see different items with some charge and will share them if are many (ex: without to collect all armors around) Armors, Scuba, Damage, Powerup, interest for stuff generally is not a very option if enemy is around - really bad items placed might bug Bot as human in finding paths;
- Bot will use redeemer against enemy placed more far - still is comparing with a noob player but he can be still alive after using it.
Keep going... Split because of editing bugging lines type______
Last edited by Nelsona on Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Big Question...

Post by Nelsona » Wed Feb 12, 2014 4:59 pm

I quited a few ideeas (were just tests) Bot might give order to attack but... will bug my default change (Search And Destroy) not (Assault The Base). Bot doesn't know Domination order, here I'm speaking about a Bot order using THE VOICE as human.
A supposed quadshot replacement bugged me long time - I quited ideea at this moment.
Some monsters having problems at animations have now a new body. Not all of them.
Fixing default monsters might be a hard load and... not very OK due to dumb ideeas (monster in wall, 20 monsters outside into the void - drugs on mapper I'm guessing else I cannot explain this stupidity, BSP building issues in certain locations might bugs monster fixes).
For future Probably I have to deal with bad ends a la LostSouls since I think I can play maps with a few "friendly" monsters to end them properly. Miam ending is solved, not fixed version, the original one.

Advisable content to be used ? Normal sized maps, pathed, stock stuff the mostly because this is the only good known, with very few exceptions other stuff. Quote here, some trooper from assumed MHmappack or such, is still bIsPlayer even if still holding that Rifle which is a big CRAP bugging Bot, not game-core.
Supposed great decorations stuff performing unexistent animations is mapper's fault because is a total noob - I cannot predict what is in each head but I can see what can do that "mapper" in future based on his dumb content. Monsters out of stock who crash a game aren't mine - ask "modder" for a better version. Also integrated crappy mutators aren't mine.
Using maps a la Shrimp style should not be a problem with PlayerCanSeeMe crash, but other issues I'm not sure how can be fixed without to bug A.I.
I shared in private some older versions which were tuned but following the newer controller strategy.
With other words, I (and not only me) used this package having as game-type MonsterHunt visible with original MH Browser and with any of my Seekers and should be playable by monster-hunters. I noticed this mod working well with Bots and a few tens of maps executed normally not new empty cubes (I'm not greed and/or interested in MH trash). Stock stuff (items) tuned a bit like Health from map 24December is cloned properly to not ruin original design. Split_____
Last edited by Nelsona on Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The Big Question...

Post by Nelsona » Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:10 pm

Mad part.
Mod is noisy, will speak in console about a lot of finds related to fixes performed.
New teaming A.I. makes this hunt different.
If a map is done dedicated for a certain mod - example: JumpBots with 3 jumps and 4 stairs for jumping, because in certain server we have all jumpbots replaced with 4 jumps won't be so playable being a dedicated map for a single comunity not generally for MH and UT - this is another kinda silly kid who think his comunity is greatest than any other mocking only not mapping - that was a cubed crap anyway... as fuzzball said in 2012: New Maps, No new maps.

Generally main issues caused by rebel mapping are going to bug anyway any mod so I deleted a bunch of them playing a bit of quality... and a good new, in 2013 I had 0 MH crashes even if test-server was not very active. MonsterHuntArena crashed indeed but ... that's other chapter that need some tweaks, else ... nada.

How is the deal? In System 3 files U INT INI - New game-type and menu not "Monster Hunt", that one is the older, new game is "MonsterHunt" as a player interface to make difference between versions. Getting rid of them ? Remove U INT INI and nothing is bugged.

Just a problem, I have something in mod and due to some math flaws of noobs, I don't think is a good ideea for sharing it. If you want to talk about that is a private problem not for forum so we can go in private if is a need. I think I'll bug that section to crash decompilers.
More to speak about ? If I recall some... yes, until is declared spam.

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Re: The Big Question...

Post by Nelsona » Fri Mar 21, 2014 1:26 am

Continuing "ON-Topic" thoughts about "The Big Question".

The Big Question(s) is (are ?):
- Does anybody knows old MH maps with their flaws unfixable by any mod and having desire to bring them back to UT stage for any normal MH server ?
- Does anybody knows to extend default MH things related to pawn support (monster, Bot)?
- Who is agree to redo some trashes into a new MHMapPACK usable by any new admin starting a new MH server ?

As I've seen so far I see MH subject almost... out of forum. No more interest ? Gooood... at end of year probably I'll prepare a Christmas present... first I have to see if naughty boy deserve a Christmas present from daddy else No present.

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Re: The Big Question...

Post by medor » Sat Mar 22, 2014 1:21 am


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Re: The Big Question...

Post by EvilGrins » Sat Mar 22, 2014 3:05 pm

Ye gods! What a terrifying monster!!

Don't put that in the game. None of us would survive it.

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Re: The Big Question...

Post by Hermskii » Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:18 pm

I think it would be great to rework and redeploy some old and messed up MH maps. I can't help though being I don't map. I do recall a few maps that when certain fixes were applied it caused others issues. I recall Kelly having an issue and getting past it with the Indiana Jones maps where the round blade would fail to kill you when you applied a certain patch. He resolved it i thought but can't recall. It might still be an issue on my server for that matter. There is the one with the hills, where a monster blocks the first door and you can't get past it after that. Nameless recalls what I'm talking about. i know it has smoke and mountain in the files for it. Sorry for the jibber jabber. typing fast. In a hurry to work outside.


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Re: The Big Question...

Post by Nelsona » Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:52 pm

Okay let me see what I recall (if memory cheats me then I'll appologise)

IndianaJones - more versions were done. Once trying another MH to play that one, I noticed suddenly game morphed into Assault. Actually I think these ought to be slapped down. Now days in 2014 I have more cute things even for Bot Support - because I'll do that too. Maps usually have issues at settings, Triggers, movers, probably BSP things... and pathing which is Rocket Science for the most of cube-drawers even if a guy extra-banned like Kaal knows more than others at this chapter (read again), no problem then.

All MAPS having:
- actors with different meshes spaming invalid animations - happens when a boulder looks like a cow or such interesting ideea without to do things properly;
- monsters extrapowered using other packages when aren't used Factories - monster in map can be manually tuned without to be a moron with Skill 10 clamped by Engine at 3;
- Cannons ? Right now I'm testing new species and looks like won't stuck game as usual ones;
- Forcing crouch in a small place - I think player movements ought to be let alones;
- Surfaces done in whatever reinvent wheel style needs restored back to normal (cannot be done VIA mod);
- Pawn meaning: orders to monsters which aren't done properly needs fixed. Yes, those 2 titans from Arden map can really patrol around gates. Another orders with less logic need fixed too. No reason to send monster to an unexistent state;
- I think Monster Hunters aren't very interested about BT stuff crawling MH - I've seen more people leaving such maps... ;
- more ?

Section EG:
- A big number of maps might be completed with Bot Suport and cute things;
- Assault prototypes I think can be done as Part2 (Player Defends and Monster Attacks);
- A.I. good tweaks can be done without a Pawn-Soup (some of them are total manure - No offence ).
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Re: The Big Question...

Post by Nelsona » Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:03 pm

Other technical needs ?
Server setup(s), my guess only:
- using mods done following rules suggested by Epic (no SUPER calls when weren't recommended or other crappy rebelion rules);
- no null instigators for Monsters;
- no pawns incomplete done (the mostly out of UT stock);
- setting up a minimum speed for player (we don't need to see 2600 in year 2014);
- no mods blocking mutate commands and other things because ... suddenly we can compile manure calling them mods;
- a map-vote done following rules without to mock player at first encounter;
- getting rid faster of stuff spaming tick errors;
- Player using stupid characters or extra-long IDs - out with tick speed - that one is not hunter;
- probably more to recall.

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Re: The Big Question...

Post by Nelsona » Sat Nov 15, 2014 6:05 am

Hm... Now I have another BIG Question after describing intro.

As we know (or not) GameSpy is down - burried. I'm not sure if will rise up ever again (I want that but is not depending on me). Because default MonsterHunt version 5.03 has a browser for MonsterHunt Game-Type addressing GameSpy, original MonsterHunt TAB from browser is now useless. Probably we have the signal to rework original MonsterHunt.u file (that one with an integrated tentacle error) because presence of this file in player-client is pointless, with other words is useless.
End of Intro.

We can do a remake with all MH default errors wiped out and some stuff present in all MH servers implemented by default (spree-s, mover default crap) and also optional configurable in ini other things (monster teaming, enhance Bot). For default mutator which works in original MonsterHunt we can solve a lot of issues by reworking replacements properly. We can also create missing stuff
(like WeaponPowerup, a replacement for quadshot, a better Flak, a better Redeemer, etc.).
We might deal in game-core with a different technology in starting game-timer causing Skaarj bug to be unexistent. We also can solve an automatic carcass tweak configurable into an Ini file, in purpose to get rid of craps happening.

This ought to be a public debate describing codes visible with explanations.

I'm listening... Any volunteers ?

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Re: The Big Question...

Post by Hermskii » Sat Nov 15, 2014 9:31 pm

Don't look at me...


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Re: The Big Question...

Post by Nelsona » Sun Nov 16, 2014 5:16 pm

Not a extreme problem.
The debate started at TheDanes's forum. New controller is in testing and debating level.

A separate section has been created for showing codes in public.

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Re: The Big Question...

Post by Nelsona » Wed Dec 07, 2016 1:39 pm

The Main Bump in this thread.

For people interested about UT in 2016, for those asking about a better setup and... for SHARING what I think about a MH game in UT'99, I am currently testing a server a la 2016 - Animality XC_Server aka ... call it how you want - intended to be compatible with new players (referring to UT not their poorly brain and what they do to UT) and also old default player - Non-Goty player included.

I'm speaking about an UT'99 server assisted by XC_Engine and the rest of XC_Stuff. Sharing "How To" means too much things described in DOCS, the best way is a direct touch. I have prepared a server tested on a lousy machine Athlon 1.1 GHz and using MapVoteULv2_3 - random map Start - running MH504+Stuff/MH2 type) that regen based crap but changed/MonsterArena, a few Levels playable with Bots (Integrated MBot_D).

It will include:
- Run Line with new stuff, new start, INI deals;
- Logging system based in files having TimeStamp type Titles;
- Saving CrashLogs accordingly;
- 4 maps by Myself are included as well (probably with Bot Support);
- Tweaking INT files for a bit of security;
- using a file Credits.utx "tweaked" to prevent mismatching by Epic stupid farts;
- using MH changed because we don't have GameSpy and neither a default MH operational browser, and because MonsterArena is a playable thing in V504 after all;
- normal sound and textures files and not trash place-holders crashing server when it tries to render a null sound, etc.

Server is a sample one, doesn't use "ScriptWarning" suppressing, I'm not using such things in here...
Here I'm trying to point what I was thinking a few years ago but... in that time I did not see much stuff, people willing to help at extremes.

I've been quiet last time because game was running more than properly in my repositories - definitely I'm ignoring "news" because are just trouble-makers so I'm happy with old design and nice game-play rather than warping/lagging, crashing multiple times per day.

Until PC and Internet things are going to be changed ruining was was remaining from old games, I'll be happy this way doing my own MH Levels for UT'99 and not for "Colors".

I'll be back after preparing stuff...

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