Server Start Multi-MH games

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Server Start Multi-MH games

Post by Nelsona » Sun Aug 30, 2015 4:14 am

I was doing tests in a multi-server environment. Things weren't cute for sure.
Games running: MonsterHunt(5.04), MH2-type, MonsterHuntArena
Mapvote having Real MH Map prefix and virtual MH2.

At first launch I could see a mutator-soup as long as MH1 has different tools loaded than MH2 which already is native more rich in stuff. MH1 was loading MH2 muts MH2 was loading MH1 muts.
Then... some functions doesn't work properly as long as more things are not initialized yet in PostBeginPlay - is too fast after all - example "GetURLMap()" returning old Level which is NONE at first launch. Something getting rammed will bug map-vote. I could see after any player vote everything functional, I decided to simulate empty vote then. How ?
I was rewriting some ActorCLP for getting loaded as mutator not actor in run-line. Level declared is Entry.unr (I find a reason for using it - else it would remain useless). Level being Entry (logic name - server has entered somewhere in memory) Our actor waits 3 seconds and then it will end game loading a defined Mapvote. Will operate Travel to Mod+Map defined and they seems to get loaded correctly + supposed ActorCLP won't be loaded again after this "START".

This will cause a relation between mutator_starter-map_vote-Entry.unr-run_line. But everything will run properly as I could see so far with a small adjust at columns order.

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