The Anecdote Thread.......

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Re: The Anecdote Thread.......

Post by Hook » Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:11 am

I love these! :D
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Re: The Anecdote Thread.......

Post by Hermskii » Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:28 pm

That is cool as can be. Thanks for sharing. It may be a way to remoind you that while he is gone he never is so long as you remember him and cherish his memory.


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Re: The Anecdote Thread.......

Post by a nameless entity » Tue Mar 22, 2016 6:46 pm

Another act of random kindness to be thankful for:

Today I noticed the lid of my mailbox was in the raised position when I went out for a walk. Inside the box was my "Presto" card. You use your Presto card on public transit. On everything from the town buses, to the GO TRANSIT line of buses and trains that take you from town to town. If you go into another city, you can use your Presto card on their buslines and subways too.
So yesterday I was using the buses here in town to go shopping in the north end at Walmart. I need to make transfers.
On the way back I stuck my Presto card into my woolen glove to save having to take it out and put it back into my wallet at each bus ride while loaded down with full shopping bags. After my last ride I walked home and got the mail out of my slot in the "super box" for our street. (We don't get door to door delivery here any more, although a reversion to that level of service has been promised by the new government.)

I figure the card must have fallen out of my glove when I took it off to get the key to my mail slot out of my pocket.
Luckily I had put a sticker on my card with my name and address. Someone else who uses that super box must have found it and gone to the trouble of taking it over to my place and dropping it into my mailbox.

Presto automatically debits your charge card every so often to keep your account at the minimum level that you set when you start using this fare payment method. So whomever did me the favour of returning my card did me a large favour, as a dishonest person could have had quite a few free rides at my expense otherwise! :o

So my thanks to the person who did me this large favour, (even though you won't see it here, I suppose!) 8)

And my thanks to the Canadian War Amps charity who sent me the name and address stickers as a thank you for my small donation! :D
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Re: The Anecdote Thread.......

Post by a nameless entity » Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:31 am

Well I must have been feeling really "chatty" during my previous post in this thread. So I guess I'll keep it simple and say that I got to return the last favour I received.

I found someone's driver's licence lying on the pavement on Monday. The person's address was only a few blocks up the street, so I went to the building. I gave it to a resident there, who passed it on to the owner's mother.

So I'm just happy that I was able to give back in exactly the same fashion as I received myself. :D
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Re: The Anecdote Thread.......

Post by a nameless entity » Sat Jun 04, 2016 9:14 pm

a nameless entity wrote: [May 2012:] I was wondering if this "Off topic" section of the forum could support a thread where we share little stories about what's happening to us.

How about something a tad more positive?

The company that sells me heating oil seems to like to be paid for their last delivery before they will bring more.

At the end of the heating season usually at some point in May, they will come one last time to top off my oil tank. This ensures a supply at the start of the next season, and prevents rusting of the walls of the storage tank.

Today the jet stream is dipping very low in the West of the continent, and has moved farther north than usual here in the East. As a result we are getting the heat and humidity from the Gulf of Mexico two months early. May can often be cool and damp here. So it is feeling as hot as hades outside, especially for the month of May.

So naturally, because they have been paid, today of all days the oil man comes around to give me my final top off for the year. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Four years later the same thing has happened again. The end of May and beginning of June 2016 has seen hot and humid weather arrive early. I got the bill for the furnace plan, but for some reason they didn't bring any oil in May. I had given up on that happening this year. But on Friday June 3rd, -a particularly warm and humid day,- the delivery truck rolled up and he topped off my tank. :lol:

I certainly won't need it until October at the earliest, but I'm ready. And as the price of oil has nowhere to go but up from its current lows, I guess he did me a favour. :)

By the way, I made the word "us" near the beginning of the post into bold letters because I wanted to point out that this is a thread for everyone. I never intended it to become some sort of "blog" for myself.

So please share any positive events you have experienced recently. :idea:
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Re: The Anecdote Thread.......

Post by KellyD » Sun Jun 05, 2016 10:04 am

I'll add a small thing that happened to me on the job. Still not sure if this would be considered positive or not, guess you can decide.

In the course of a day I deliver a lot of very different things. Yesterday I had two parcels for houses right next to each other. The first house got a motorcycle tire and the other got a body (cremated remains). It's like that all the time, you just never know what you are delivering. I get to deliver huge insurance checks to people that make them super excited and the next house may be a certified letter that tells the person they have breast cancer.

...BTW, we get a lot of those.I think women are so scared of breast cancer they don't get the results of mammograms. By law they have to notify you if the scan comes back abnormal so they end up sending a letter I have to get a signature for. I hate doing those.

Anyway, I had a kid ask me to deliver the following two letters. You can probably guess the backstory. I promised the kid I would deliver them and I felt really good knowing he trusted them to me.

Yeah, I went home and hugged the stuffing out of my kids.
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Re: The Anecdote Thread.......

Post by Hermskii » Sun Jun 05, 2016 12:27 pm

Wow. Sad and good. I'd feel better getting those delivered too. Good job!

By the way, this is the first thing I thought of when i saw the pictures:


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Re: The Anecdote Thread.......

Post by KellyD » Mon Jun 06, 2016 8:15 am

I'm not a germophobe lol. Well, maybe. Let me explain...

A year or so back I got a bad sore throat. Like really bad. Much worse than strep throat, it made me shake and nearly scream to swallow even water. Went to my ENT that treated the cancer and he told me I had glottitis. Sounds benign enough right? Well I had to immediately go from the doc to the hospital and ended up there for three days for IV antibiotics. Turns out this can close up your throat due to swelling and it's extremely dangerous.

Long story short I'm very predisposed to contracting it because of the damage to my throat from treatment. It's super important that I don't touch my face while I work so I don't expose my mouth to any extra germs. I wear the gloves as a reminder not to touch my face.

OK, guess I am a germophobe but one with a caveat of reality.
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Re: The Anecdote Thread.......

Post by Hermskii » Wed Jun 08, 2016 9:56 pm

Be a germophobe if it keeps you healthy! Did you watch the Firefly show I linked your last post to? Did you get my reference to the hands of blue? They were basically two guys that worked for the government trying to find a special person and if they found anyone who encountered that special person they killed them.

One of the hands of blue guys was super freaky looking too. Perfect for the part.


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