Kelly, JackGriffin, gopostal

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Kelly, JackGriffin, gopostal

Post by Terraniux » Thu Oct 18, 2018 4:31 pm

Be warned.

His act is over.

Whether is going trough a fase or not. I dont care.

Be warned.

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Re: Kelly, JackGriffin, gopostal

Post by Nelsona » Fri Oct 19, 2018 11:35 am


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Re: Kelly, JackGriffin, gopostal

Post by Terraniux » Fri Oct 19, 2018 3:14 pm

Nelsona wrote:
Fri Oct 19, 2018 11:35 am
He is not himself apparently. He spits on everyone, especially on me lately. He bites anyone that disagree with his state of mind. Last week he was docile as kitten and kindly offered help, now he threatens anyone that even comes near him.
I'm a bit in a pickle on UT99 contest. Papercoffee 's contest topic contains rules that are not enforced. Now certain contenders can win by simply "cheating" the system by using for example -- old work.

They are also say you may produce more maps, that are legible to vote for. THAT is insane. Now everyone at UT99 is yelling at me for simply asking the question of violation and stating the frououocking rules.
Paper already snapped, and his master Jack has targeted me now. I'm going to "lawsuit "their asses for being full of ....... (not a real one, just explaining their own written rules :D , and dissect ever part. :mrgreen: )

The part where everyone tels me to calms down, while chill as a dog, and paper went haywire still cracks me up. haha !


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Re: Kelly, JackGriffin, gopostal

Post by Nelsona » Sat Oct 20, 2018 9:24 am

I was reading that a few minutes ago... I held my nuts with hand to not take a pee in pants laughing. Why was laughing ? Because right now I'm feel clean.
Last time I was intended to do a map and I fired a question toward a contest which finally for me was a "contest". Decision was a chaos contest which as mod it's a mess, regarding to what others are thinking - it ruins MH with borked stuff never done for MH. For me that was a garbage-fire contest rather than a mapping contest - ignited by me as moron as I was. I had a guilty feeling so I've done an update to Chaos (conformed against mismatching) because I was not intended to see those maps crapped by an obsolete mod. What I did it's way better, but... I've promised something to myself - I won't ever talk about starting a mapping contest over there just because were troubles as well. Want some facts ? Let's press "rewind" button.
- Some member (currently in my ignore list over there) has a sudden miss-understanding of Theme and doing other stuff with various reasons as excuses and final result was far from my expectations - PathNodes in air are not my love and neither stunts against bots for which I worked last 3 years very intensive;
- another discussion was about an amazing map but entirely untouched by Chaos - Hey !??;
- other clown did a CTF map but with ZERO testing - a Flag from whatever base was not reachable being a disaster at playing with Bot - Bot support was mandatory regarding to what other "member" with two accounts was saying - yeah, rules broken by default over there.
I can keep quoting those saying there that I don't know sh!t even if NO ONE of them did what I DID all these years. Imagine me what I feel for these supposed geniuses which actually were not even helping in their replies to a question but aiming me and saying that I do have paranoia while I know well why I did some codes there - NO ONE knows NavAdder and issues caused by similar names used in maps. Of course, Nelsona is stupid, but Nelsona was doing some stunts which their brain did not not do all these years. I'm a mimic of Higor, mojo, whatever I might be doing "horse-sh!t". Good, for me this is entertaining and I don't care about such jealousy, functions written by Higor are used by me Without WIKI - Wiki has nothing about them anyway - I survived years without that and I will survive - I got a present from a member there after all, and I won't talk about that - some stuff from XC_MonsterHunt I could wrote because I was capable of viewing some "secrets"... and then I used what Engine can use and NOBODY has used in custom games because UT has no detailed DOCS - shame Epic - and neither a source-code readable/available after 19 years.
About that "subtract" debate mapping, they forgot to demonstrate me with 3 terrain based maps how to not mess BSP in such a brushes soup WITHOUT BlockAll stupidity. EPIC demonstrated already how to mess maps and to cover crap with BlockAll. The only two reasons for my roaming at UT99.ORG are:
- XC_Engine - any update for me is a new lecture and cute stuff;
- Shrimp is now there - maybe the MH man has "plans" and I'm tracking the route.
The rest of and useless posts by jesters like PoF, Gxxx, etc. are not really under my attention - are just a spam which would be removed at once with their accounts if that would be my forum, but it's not mine... When I wrote something for Movers ON-Line at Higor's recommendation suddenly PoF posted something again in that section just for covering portal with a default trash-posting. He has a problem with Dave's maps but I did not see too many maps done by himself and neither that CTF-Face remade finished. The other one attacking map Enslaved for MH conversion was doing a big sh!t but claiming that knows "everything about Editor" and saying that making a map is harder than modifying one - he proved that cannot even do any modification - and yes, I do still have memory and I take in account things over there. I have my frustrations about what is happening generally there so any contest it's not under my attention at all.
Right now I was looking at another MH "map" which has a small puzzle in getting Insta crap. All Player will know "secret" in two months ruining game. UniZone, insulting Bot, no ammo as should, a miserable thing - that it's currently under my attention...

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Re: Kelly, JackGriffin, gopostal

Post by Hermskii » Sun Oct 21, 2018 1:22 am

What do you mean Shrimp is now there? What is he doing?


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Re: Kelly, JackGriffin, gopostal

Post by Nelsona » Sun Oct 21, 2018 1:40 am

Shrimp had a small participation at a discussion toward monster relevance - was a funny reply after all - Barbie has always details not needed all time, but for me was a nice surprise to see the legend coming back. You cannot imagine how happy I am when someone which was doing stuff running for years is back and okay - about MH left unfinished it's another story - I did my homeworks here accordingly... because I'm using XC_Engine, original MH mod it's no longer an option...
See this topic over there.

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Re: Kelly, JackGriffin, gopostal

Post by EvilGrins » Tue Oct 30, 2018 6:20 pm

Nelsona wrote:
Sat Oct 20, 2018 9:24 am
I held my nuts with hand

Terraniux wrote:
Fri Oct 19, 2018 3:14 pm
He is not himself apparently. He spits on everyone, especially on me lately.
When I 1st met him we kinda butted heads A LOT, did not get along at all, but gradually we worked that out.

Keeping in mind his original nickname was GoPostal, which I assume you know the origin of the phrase, from health reasons to other stuff... he's had stuff going on that's made him a tad grumpy every so often.

I dunno what the recent thing was but he tends to mellow out a lot faster nowadays than he used to.
Terraniux wrote:
Fri Oct 19, 2018 3:14 pm
He bites anyone that disagree with his state of mind.
Bite him back.

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Re: Kelly, JackGriffin, gopostal

Post by Hook » Wed Oct 31, 2018 11:03 pm

Good post E.G. :wink:
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Re: Kelly, JackGriffin, gopostal

Post by Nelsona » Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:09 pm

Guys, here it's not about who is protecting/defending who but each of you has very VALID points. I'll share my opinion and nothing else, no blaming, no flaming:
- Kelly said before about contest rules as having flaws - so to speak breaches heading to various ways of understanding them being not so clear and he pointed them right into heart;
- Terraniux has also VALID statements about posting there a map - any map but... SELF-MADE not by others, else I could sort a good one from MapRaider - tweaking some junks and voila... this is my MAP for contest.

Who is guilty here ? IDK, probably with my trash english grammar I could define more CLEAN and CLEAR rules toward a contest by simply copying some assets from old contest types which in that time did not do troubles as last time when people seems... "entertaining" especially "new blood" with their excuses and mooing rather than posting useful stuff and forgetting to read tutorials.
There is an addiction toward using U227 Editor which is recognized as being not 100% compatible with UT and UT player can crash like an ass when is dealing with un-existent bytes added in U227 but which UT doesn't have. But here you will see again "excuses" nice speech about display drivers and crap which won't help with variables missing from UT.
Want to know what I think about U227 ? Okay, let me see, while I did a real stupid brush where Editor from UT did BSP problems, U227 did not fix anything making things even worst - a bad geometry it's just a bad geometry - you have to fix it not Editor. Why loading wild stuff if it's not useful ? Because we cannot handle UT Editor ? Yeah, that's why... If you are such a big-balls mapper do use UT Editor not other stuff from Unreal, Doom, NFS and hell knows what else. Show your skill in UT or admin will show you contest's exiting door. I did a lot of things using UT Editor and I did not get any pain and my poor designed maps have no flaws where are running and servers configured by self-person.
This problem should be noted in rules - DO NOT CRASH D3D player in UT with sh!t assets, or you are disqualified - simple as that. Is this rule written somewhere ? Nope ? OK, now you know why I don't care about these "mapping contest" types... and probably is more to speak about those "rules". And happened to have contest maps utterly unplayable even with zero net compatibility - you know well which one was only making noise and doing mainly zero usable stuff and it was not disqualified for trash content out of contest requests. Why ? This it's only about releasing UNR files ? Don't make me to do 100 cubes and calling them 100 maps because this is easy to do.

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Re: Kelly, JackGriffin, gopostal

Post by Hook » Tue Nov 13, 2018 12:01 pm

LOL Nelsona, good posts. :wink:

FYI, I will be just about an hour's drive from Gopostal's house on vacation next summer. :P
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Re: Kelly, JackGriffin, gopostal

Post by Kelly » Sun Dec 02, 2018 9:16 am

Removed my post. Why waste my time....
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Re: Kelly, JackGriffin, gopostal

Post by Hook » Fri Dec 07, 2018 3:00 pm

Kelly wrote:
Sun Dec 02, 2018 9:16 am
Removed my post. Why waste my time....
*thumb-up* :wink:
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