2016 Presidential Elections

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Who are you going to vote for? (Our friends on north or over the pond can vote as well)

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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections

Post by Hermskii » Sun Jul 31, 2016 12:16 pm

I have so much to say but can't waste too much time explaining my opinion to everyone. Do you think you should be able to lock your doors to your house? Do you think you should be able to know the person is who comes into your house? Now substitute country for house.

Do you want to live where there are no laws? Do you think laws are there for good reasons? If so do you think they should be followed? If you said yes to many or most of these then you should be a Republican.

Please tell me what the congress/house blocked that Obama wanted. That I know of he passed nearly every single thing that he tried to pass.

Do you believe developing but still unborn children have a right to life? If you said yes then you should be a Republican. Do you believe you should be able to decide how to spend your earned money or should a government decide that for you and take more and more of it from you each year? If you think you know how best to spend your money you should be a Republican.

Do you think your national Security matters and that Top Secret information should be protected by predetermined protocols to ensure the safety of undercover staff? If so you should be a Republican.

Maybe I'll post more later but it is my opinion the uninformed voter tends to vote for the democrat. They ignore things like 30,000 emails being deleted after be ordered to be turned in. They ignore things likes our soldiers and a ambassador being killed in Benghazi do to inaction. They ignore that the current Presidential Office knowingly lied to the American people over and over about Benghazi.

This current President has spent more than every other president before him COMBINED. I said COMBINED.
Our economy sucks because he taxes the crap out of us business owners to give money to the illegal aliens who knowingly broke the law and came over our borders.

There are right ways to do things and wrong ways. I live in a Sanctuary city of Houston meaning an illegal alien can crash into my car and i can't do anything about it. My rates are higher because of uninsured motorist. I, the informed and responsible am paying for the uninformed and irresponsible. They are multiplying faster than me and soon will have multiple votes against my one saying they want more of my earnings. They shouldn't even have a vote being they aren't citizens of the United States but the Democrats pushed to allow that too.

If you agree with most of what I said you should be a Republican. Enough said for now.


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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections

Post by a nameless entity » Sun Jul 31, 2016 2:24 pm

David wrote:I am not into politics but with the up coming presidential elections, I found myself where I view both candidates as being ill for the USA. This is my own opinion of course.

I just cannot believe that Trump has made it to the big stage. I guess that shows how tired some of the people in the United Stated have become over politicians.

I'm shaking my head as I see nothing but trouble in the future.

A part of me is thinking that Clinton will win, just because it hard for me to believe that Trump could win. I just wish we had a better option...

So what are your thoughts.
a nameless entity wrote:What a fine set of choices you have.

1) A professional politician who is an employee of the 1% and has an ego the size of NYC,


2) One of the 1%'ers themselves, who makes his rival's ego look miniscule by comparison.

Pick the lesser of the two evils.
a nameless entity wrote: ..... but don't forget that these are my own impressions and ideas of what may happen next, and that I am an "outsider" too.

An American might explain things very differently, especially if he or she has a strong political bias or opinion.
I trust that all Americans who may be paying attention to this thread will believe me when I say that I do care about what is going on in your country. And not just for selfish reasons, being that I live right next door to you, less than an hour away from the border by car.

I have no use for either MSNBC, or FOX. In my opinion both organizations are hurting your democracy by pandering to people's prejudices and fears in the name of profit through viewership. :? :x

I gather my news and form my views from the following sources: the CTV network, the CBC network, the PBS network, and BBC America.

As I've said before, I used to be right wing in my views during my youth. But since the 80's and 90's as I watched the economic powers that be deliberately cut the legs off of the working class by sending their work overseas, and saw both the liberal and conservative governments of the day do nothing to stop them, and even actively help them with free trade deals, my views gradually became left of centre.

Because of this my pick for the Democrats would have been Bernie Sanders, due to his campaign for a living wage.

My pick as the best and most decent fellow for the Republicans would have been Marco Rubio.

If I had a vote, and these two guys had been running against each other, I would have been very conflicted as to which one was the better man for the job.
But I probably would have voted for Bernie anyway, even if he fell short of Mr. Rubio in my estimation, because a living wage is job #1 in America, in order to get things back to where they should be.
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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections

Post by Hook » Fri Aug 05, 2016 7:00 am

I pretty much agree with Nameless - however, factcheck.org is my friend! :D
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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections

Post by Hermskii » Fri Aug 05, 2016 10:11 pm

What did factcheck.org say about Hilary Clinton's statements (under oath) about the email server she ran in her house? I heard she lied through her teeth and got 4 Pinocchios from the Washing Post (the worst score you can get) which is a left wing liberal newspaper.

How about how Obama gave Iran $400,000,000.00 in cash and Iran would not release our captives until the plane landed with the money. Obama said it wasn't a ransom payment. LOL

I can go on for days with this stuff and Democrats will say "Yeah, butt..." and then change the subject.

Trump is messing up for sure but but if Hilary gets to pick one or two more Supreme Court judges our country is gone.

Funny that a Democrat friend of mine said he was moving from Houston because he can't find work here. I reminded him he was a Democrat and they have made Houston a sanctuary city so that illegal aliens can live her in no fear and take jobs that legal Americans should have. he is suffering from his own vote and decisions. I pointed out he did this to himself by supporting a party that supports illegals more that they support legal Americans.


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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections

Post by a nameless entity » Sat Aug 06, 2016 12:55 am

Has the city of Houston has been made a "sanctuary city" by the federal government? What does that mean, anyway?

Can't the state government unilaterally crack down on employers who are hiring illegals? And if they can, why aren't they?

I thought the illegals were doing the jobs that most Americans don't want, and for starvation wages at that.
I would have thought that it was more likely that the jobs requiring an education were being outsourced to places like India.

It's not all bad news on the job front. Remember this company that I mentioned in another thread?
http://www.plasticsnews.com/article/201 ... exas-plant

What about the idea of a living wage? What are your thoughts on that issue?

Btw, I've seen it admitted by both right and left wing pundits on a panel discussion type show that the argument by many that raising the minimum wage will kill jobs has not proven to be the case, overall.
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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections

Post by a nameless entity » Fri Feb 24, 2017 3:29 pm

I also posted this in another thread, but copied it over here since I think it belongs more properly in this thread:

I have just finished reading a very interesting and informative article in the March issue of The Atlantic by David Frum.
After reading this article I now believe that I was wrong to think that Donald Trump is going to burn himself out. It is highly possible that what he is doing is all part of a rather nefarious plan.

David Frum is an ultra conservative writer/journalist originally from Canada. He followed in the footsteps of his ultra conservative journalist/writer mother the late Barbara Frum. I couldn't stand her, and later, him. I used to yell at the TV that they should go and live in the USA if they thought that the American Republicans were so wonderful. (And I was a conservative party voter in those days!) Eventually that is exactly what Mr. Frum did. He went to live in the States, and I believe he became an American citizen as well.

My point is that David Frum is NOT in any way a liberal.

The article is long, and contains a few $5 words. (I had to look one of them up myself: "Emolument" ;) :lol: )
But it is well worth the patience to read it all.

Keep in mind that David Frum is a dyed in the wool conservative. You Americans would do well to follow his advice to avoid passivity and indifference and continue to resist this bad hombre that is sitting in the chair of the POTUS in any way you can. A good start would be to force the Donald to release his income tax returns. (Any hackers out there? ;) )
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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections

Post by Hermskii » Sat Feb 25, 2017 8:38 pm

I replied some there and now here too. Please address anything I mentioned and the answer to your questions is that there are liberals in charge in plenty of places still who break the law and don't obey it. Funny how when Obama was President federal law was more powerful than state law if he wanted it to be but never enforced it like letting Colorado make pot legal but now that Trump is President the same federal law is being ignored by liberal leaders and so Trump will have to get nasty. See liberal Austin, TX Sheriff story online too. My tax dollars shouldn't go to support government or state workers who disobey the law.

Like I said, I can go on for days. Trump rules. I can't wait to see what he gets done in his first 100 days or first 1 - 4 years for that matter!


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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections

Post by a nameless entity » Tue Feb 28, 2017 4:39 pm

Hermskii wrote:I will reply but am tired. I am thrilled with everything Trump so far. I will reply like I said but though I just did repeat myself I hate repeating myself. I have already mentioned tons of reasons why I hated Obama and thus you can see Trump is the opposite of him and thus I love him.

I'll say I love he is getting rid of the criminal illegal aliens first. I love he is building a wall. I love he is going to reduce taxes. Keep in mind my son wasn't allowed to go to the public school I have paid taxes to for 50 years because he could speak English. Stuff like that sends someone like me over the edge.

I'm tired of watching illegal aliens buy groceries with welfare cards I paid for. They shouldn't be here and I shouldn't be buying them dinner. My car insurance is higher due to uninsured motorist. Guess who they are mostly!

More later but before you go on about anything else please feel free to address what I mentioned just now Any of it.
Okay :)
Here we go:

1)First off you need to read the article in the Atlantic. Keep in mind it was written by a conservative. I believe he is also a member of the Republican Party.

2)I am with you on the school debacle. In Ontario the funds for schools comes from the provincial level of government, not the local. So I understand your annoyance about your tax money not benefitting your sons. It sounds like political correctness has gone way over the top. We have suffered the same kind of lunacy here in the past.

3)I also understand the frustration with illegals, because Canada's generosity with illegal immigrant policies was badly abused in the past, and may still be in isolated cases, despite the toughening of the rules.

But you must understand that there are a lot of genuine refugees in the USA who were admitted under the strict US rules that are now so fearful of being returned home to be killed that they are running away from your country. I'll give you one guess where they are going.
Many are sneaking across the border at night near the town of Emerson Manitoba. Many have lost fingers and toes because they did not realize how cold it could get at night in the snow, nor did they understand the concept of wind chill. The trickle is now a stream of refugees, and they have all but overwhelmed local ability to house them.
One guy had been a truck driver in the US for six years but threw his well established life away because he is terrified that Trump will send him back home simply because he is black and Muslim.
It's even worse in Quebec where legally admitted refugees are leaving the USA for Canada from Vermont and Maine, for the same reasons. Unless Trump clarifies what he is planning, the trickle is expected to become a flood next Spring.
I'm wondering what it's all going to mean. With 1/11th the population of the USA, we cannot possibly accommodate all of the refugees you admitted to your country should they all decide it's just not safe for them. They are being attacked by American thugs already. Anti Semitic acts of violence on both sides of the border are also on the increase. Local Canadian thugs are feeling empowered by Trump to act out their hatreds too. :roll: :x

I could go on further, but that is enough for now. :?
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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections

Post by Hermskii » Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:07 pm

I knew about the few that have gone over the border to your country but consider this they are running for their lives. Fine. If they were legally allowed into our country nobody is making them leave. NOW, consider the millions that have crossed our border and we know that 900,000 of them are set to be sent back because they have criminal records. How do you think Canada would like it if just half of them were allowed to run across the border up there to break laws, steal jobs, live off your countries welfare etc.

I live in Houston which loaded to the brim will illegal aliens. Unless you are here, you can't imagine at all the damage that has been done here by illegal aliens. rape, murder, theft, milking the system, ruining schools. I could go on forever.

Answer me this: Am I wrong to want my country's laws to be obeyed? Am I wrong to not want trespassers all over my country?

I am all for immigration but the legal kind. The USA already lets in more legal immigrants than any other country and I'm pretty sure we have more illegal ones too. Not fair to law abiding tax paying citizens such as myself.


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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections

Post by a nameless entity » Wed Mar 01, 2017 4:31 pm

First off, I'd like to remind you that I've never disagreed with you about the illegals. I try to see both sides of an issue, but I do get what you've been saying.

I have only been talking about the uncertainty that Trump has put into the minds of the refugees. No one can walk to North America from Africa or the Middle East, so it's safe to assume that the refugees here arrived on a plane and were processed properly.
The current atmosphere of uncertainty created by the Donald and his ultra right wing cabinet has caused a lot of fear. Many Somalians and Muslims have decided not to take a chance on the USA and have run away to Canada where they hope to be safer. Clearly to run away in the middle of winter and risk freezing to death means that they'd rather chance dying here than go back to certain death at home. I haven't seen anything but black Muslims on the news reports about these folks. It seems they are the ones who feel most threatened.

We do get a few Mexicans and Central and South Americans arriving here, but not so many just yet. I don't think economic refugees from Mexico will be allowed to stay here once caught. I think we're going to have to be ready for a mass influx though, of all sorts of refugees, for at least a few years until things calm down in the US.


I missed the first half hour of the Donald's speech last night. I liked a lot of what he had to say. I've been thinking the economic ideas he espoused should be implemented since Reagan's time. Fair is fair. One can only hope he has seen the light of common sense and will speak and act on the ideas he talked about from now on without doubling down on the rhetoric, as he has been doing up to now. Firing Mr. Britebart and disassociating himself from nutbars like the grand dragon of the kkk would be a good start towards turning over a new leaf.

Some fun while we wait to see:

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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections

Post by Hermskii » Sun Mar 05, 2017 3:04 pm

Sad videos. I see that sort of crap here all the time. It is sad and a severe misrepresentation. Obama care is failing and continuing to fail. It was passed on Christmas eve without a single republican vote. Funny how the republicans have been in office less than 3 months and democrats are crying everything is taking too long while the democrats drag their feet on getting trumps people approved even though they know they can't stop it.

I think Canada should get 1/2 as many illegals as the US did or the same ratio to population anyways. Then let them stay for 20 or thirty years and then see how you feel.


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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections

Post by EvilGrins » Sun Mar 05, 2017 8:55 pm

Hermskii wrote:democrats drag their feet on getting trumps people approved even though they know they can't stop it.
Part of the reason for the "dragging" is not so much they're doing anything to slow the process so much as the people Trump chose for his cabinet are highly racist, incompetent, or have a host of other issues.

And this "dragging" thing isn't anything new. Every administration has had to put up with this. Trump's been complaining it's the longest delay of a cabinet in the history of the presidency, but even Obama's cabinet wasn't fully approved until late April... and that's not the longest delay on record.

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Re: 2016 Presidential Elections

Post by a nameless entity » Mon Mar 06, 2017 3:30 pm

Hermskii wrote:I think Canada should get 1/2 as many illegals as the US did or the same ratio to population anyways. Then let them stay for 20 or thirty years and then see how you feel.
What makes you think we don't?
One example: The infamous charter plane load of people from [one of the Caribbean islands] that carried "vacationers" here. When it was time to go home, only 8 people were on the plane. And we've had criminals from the same island who've been sent back 2 or 3 times that keep reappearing by using fake ID. :x

We've tried amnesty the same as you guys. It backfired on us also. :roll:
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