Getting old...

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Getting old...

Post by Hermskii » Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:23 pm

My kids school offered a chance to the alumni soccer players to take on the current varsity 8th grade team. I formally being a state ranked soccer player had to jump in on some of that!

I showed up but found it was a misrepresentation. Actually we old alumni somehow got pitted against the young alumni who were now in playing on high school teams. So you had a bunch of 40+ guys taking on a bunch of 14-18 years old kids. The short story is as follows: We lost 1-0 but the game only played 20 minutes. I was sucking air and was concerned about having a heart attack within the first 5 minutes.

THEN, they played us old alumni against the current 8th grade varsity team for 20 minutes. they destroyed us about 3-0. It wasn't that they were better. It was that we were dead tired already. It was way ugly and my fears of dying right there on the field in front of my wife and kids. They were in the bleachers with several other family on-loookers.

THEN they pitted us against the Jr. Varsity Team. which was a bunch of 5th and 6th graders I think. we did get a our breath back and beat them about 3 or 4 to nothing. It was fun but I have to seriously consider whether I want to try to do this again next year. Why? Read on!

What a ugly wake up call this was. I'm 40 pounds overweight. I'm not getting any younger. 30+years of smoking certainly didn't help even though I quit that about 2 years ago. Sitting behind a desk 40+ hours a week and sometimes mowing the yard does not constitute exercise I guess. I am so humbled, so sore, so embarrassed and so glad I didn't die on the field.

Now I'm thinking it is time for me to get out there and actually start trying now to prepare for next year. I don't see any real reason beside my own conditioning why I shouldn't be able to compete with a high school kid. I must admit, soccer has become far more aggressive since I played. During one part of the game I got mauled by a player who quickly knocked me off balance, stole my ball and took off with it. it was like hit and run. The one real surprise to me about it was that it was a girl who had just rolled me on the field in front of my own kids. LOL. She was awesome.

So that is enough for now. I just wanted to get this said so it was official being here and all. peace out folks and don't for even one second think you are in shape if you can't sprint 100 yards right now. I have decided. next year, i will dig this post up and post a new set of results. I want to kick butt next year instead of being owned by a gang of kids with soccer shirts on! LOL. Peace!


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Re: Getting old...

Post by Hermskii » Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:24 pm

You can't imagine how sore I am either. i have to stand for 30 seconds before my legs are willing to try to take the first limping step. my calves hurt! My feet hurt! Even my lower back hurts just a little.


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Re: Getting old...

Post by Hook » Tue Nov 12, 2013 7:54 am

I told you this would happen! LOL :P
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Re: Getting old...

Post by EvilGrins » Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:57 pm

Hey, you're not old.

You're just REALLY lazy and weak!

*runs away before you can kill me*

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Re: Getting old...

Post by Hermskii » Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:34 pm

EG has officially taken Skanks place at making me laugh. Skank was good at making me LOL.

My legs are way sore today too but I can tell as of late this afternoon that they are quickly getting better now! Yes, I said waaaay sore.


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