NEWS - DataBase BonusPack 1 (DBBP1)

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NEWS - DataBase BonusPack 1 (DBBP1)

Post by {S.o.W}DeathMask » Mon Jul 28, 2014 1:32 pm

Title says all.

I know, I've been inactive these last days (only on forums), but that was due to some problems related to work and health.
Despite it all, I still managed to work a little on UT every day. I didn't stop once.

For the few fans of ours, I have good news: I'm developing my first UT99 Pack: The DataBase BonusPack 1 (or DBBP1).

DBBP1 is a map pack with some bonus contents (skins) to enlarge the already wide UT choice.
But what does DBBP1 contain?
It contains several CTF/DM/DOM maps I made during the last year, but never completed. Maps belonging to the hidden part of TDB, which I want to share with you.
To give a preview of what will it contain, I prepared this "short" list of the contents (list might be updated):


CTF-Chain (Chain Disaster)
CTF-ChainW00T (Chain Disaster - W00T version) - PENDING
CTF-Spine (Spine Clutch)
DM-Pestilence (Pestilence)
DM-Sufference (Sufference Reactor)
DM-Arrogance (Arrogance Outpost)
DM-Bionic (Bionic Eye)
DM-Crimson (Crimson Height)
DOM-Pestilence (Pestilence)
DOM-Sufference (Sufference Reactor)
DOM-Arrogance (Arrogance Outpost) - PENDING


Tempest (Shadow Tempest)
Foregone4 (Foregone Destruction N°4)
Phobos (Phobos Earth)
Mistery (Space Mistery)
Suprfist2 (Super Fist N°2)
Godown2 (Go Down N°2)


SoldierSkins_Zombies_UT (ZombiesUT)
SoldierSkins_EnhancedTensor (Enhanced Tensor)
SoldierSkins_EnhancedMatrix (Enhanced Matrix) - PENDING
SoldierSkins_CousinsOfHell (Cousins of Hell)

So far that's it. Not bad for one pack huh?
If you'll see me inactive these days, you know the reason.
For various reasons (such as time), I won't give any screenshots this time.
I will open separate topics for each product when I'll have time instead, and leave this topic for when DBBP1 will be completed.
{S.o.W}DeathMask, 9 times CWC UT2003, 1 time EMKTC.

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Re: NEWS - DataBase BonusPack 1 (DBBP1)

Post by Hermskii » Mon Jul 28, 2014 1:57 pm

That is all good except the health part. What is it with our best mappers always having health issues? As I mentioned before: take a day off. Take several. A month or two now and then should be good actually. Even more if you feel like it.

I will look forward to your release. Congrats too.


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Re: NEWS - DataBase BonusPack 1 (DBBP1)

Post by {S.o.W}DeathMask » Mon Jul 28, 2014 6:13 pm

Thanks for all your worries.
I took some rest too though (Maybe not a month or two, but I got myself free from work for 5 good days, which is good).
But problem is, when I get inspired, I need to burst it out (I almost have the physical need to burst inspiration when I have it). And lately on I'm pretty much inspired.
{S.o.W}DeathMask, 9 times CWC UT2003, 1 time EMKTC.

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Re: NEWS - DataBase BonusPack 1 (DBBP1)

Post by Hermskii » Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:43 pm

I respect your need to burst creatively. Make it so Number 1.

I too got some much needed stay-cation a few weeks back. It was awesome!


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Re: NEWS - DataBase BonusPack 1 (DBBP1)

Post by {S.o.W}DeathMask » Tue Jul 29, 2014 5:14 am

Thanks for the message.
I'll keep you updated about DBBP1.
{S.o.W}DeathMask, 9 times CWC UT2003, 1 time EMKTC.

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Re: NEWS - DataBase BonusPack 1 (DBBP1)

Post by {S.o.W}DeathMask » Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:52 pm

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm slowly proceeding on the Bonus Pack.
Here's the overall result of completion of the pack:


CTF-Chain (Chain Disaster) - 100%
CTF-ChainW00T (Chain Disaster - W00T version) - PENDING - 75% (?)
CTF-Spine (Spine Clutch) - 75%
DM-Pestilence (Pestilence) - 100%
DM-Sufference (Sufference Reactor) - 90%
DM-Arrogance (Arrogance Outpost) - 65%
DM-Bionic (Bionic Eye) - 65%
DM-Crimson (Crimson Height) - 20%
DOM-Pestilence (Pestilence) - 0%
DOM-Sufference (Sufference Reactor) - 0%
DOM-Arrogance (Arrogance Outpost) - PENDING - 0% (?)


Tempest (Shadow Tempest) - 100%
Foregone4 (Foregone Destruction N°4) - 100%
Phobos (Phobos Earth) - 100%
Mistery (Space Mistery) - 100%
Suprfist2 (Super Fist N°2) - 100%
Godown2 (Go Down N°2) - 100%


SoldierSkins_Zombies_UT (ZombiesUT) - 100%
SoldierSkins_EnhancedTensor (Enhanced Tensor) - 100%
SoldierSkins_EnhancedMatrix (Enhanced Matrix) - PENDING - 0% (?)
SoldierSkins_CousinsOfHell (Cousins of Hell) - 100%

As you can see, of 21 products, 11 are 100% completed and ready for the release, while 6 are on their way to completion (most of them are in BETA testing and some other are still in building process) and 4 are yet to begin. This means that DBBP is 71% complete!

Stay tuned for more news!
{S.o.W}DeathMask, 9 times CWC UT2003, 1 time EMKTC.

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Re: NEWS - DataBase BonusPack 1 (DBBP1)

Post by {S.o.W}DeathMask » Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:39 pm

News from DBBP1:

- No. It's not Closed/Defunct/Cancelled etc. Project is still active and currently a Work in Progress. And a pretty active one too, but time is what I need, as I'm the only one developing it. Yes, this Bonus Pack is 100% Made in DeathMask.

- Yes. There ARE some changes. One of which is DM-Crimson's name, which won't be any longer Crimson Height (I planned it to be an ancient fortress on the top of a peak, but we saw that feature in DM KaZemat and DM-Peak), but Crimson Nightmare (I actually opted for a "small" part of a huge building, in the middle of a metropolis/metropolis ruin). But who knows? Maybe there will be a "Crimson Height Nightmare". Who knows? All I know is that the map is under development, and it's doing really good.

- I formerly planned into make a DOM variant of Pestilence, Sufference Reactor and Arrogance Outpost. Well, Arrogance Outpost is still under development (as well as Sufference Rreactor), and it has a "big" problem about proportions (We all know what am I talking about - FIXED) and connectivity (in Progress). Main problem about this map is placing the DOM points (mostly because map's architecture isn't even completed).
Talking about Sufference Reactor, I planned to replace the electric beams with the DOM points (but doing so will delete map's main feature), as the spots are really interesting control points.

- W00T. ChainW00T project is about to be deleted. Well, not exactly. I have an already published Chain Disaster, but that wasn't much appreciated (apparently, compared to Pestilence). So it wouldn't make a big deal/sense making a W00T version, even if 75% of it has already been done.

- Spine Clutch is a really good map. Straight forward. Reminds me a little of Coret, Hall of Giants and Bleak, even if an almost direct copy/paste of two UTPS2 maps (one of which being Core), linked to eachother and duplicated in order to make a symmetrical base. I'm thinking about re-making it from scratch. It was a really old fart project, that one.

-Skins. I made them all (except for Enhanced Matrix), but nobody saw Enhanced Tensor. That was a request I had a long time ago from A friend of mine, to make a WarMachine skin without the scratches and with multi colored versions of Tensor's face. So that's EnhancedTensor.

- The project itself is slowly developing. I've been busy with my job(s) and with my personal/family life, so I've been developing really slowly. Plus, I've had my clan's skins to make (and it lasted much less than I thought, but despite so everyone was happy, especially me). Now I'm not here to ask for help or feedback, but sometimes I publish some parts of the unfinished DBBP1 into my clan's server and oten test it online. Someone might appreciate if you'd jump in and test something yourself and leave a little review. Oh, that's not me. That would be the pack itself, as its development would grow faster.

-Yes. I regularly take naps/pauses/reflection times, and I'm no rushing at all, but all UT Skinners/Mappers/Modders (etc.) are extremely eager to see their product finished and can't wait to see it in action. Well, sadly I'm no exception.

Aside all of this, I consider myself really happy about DBBP1's progress, and I'm still looking forward to see it done and published. Stay tuned!
{S.o.W}DeathMask, 9 times CWC UT2003, 1 time EMKTC.

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Re: NEWS - DataBase BonusPack 1 (DBBP1)

Post by Hermskii » Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:02 pm

We'll keep the light on for ya!


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