Server Logs Disappearing - Important!!!

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Server Logs Disappearing - Important!!!

Post by *POTS* » Sat May 29, 2010 4:51 pm

This is mostly addressed to Nexgen users, but it can be useful also for all UT admins.

Yesterday I noticed my newer Nexgen logs could not be found in the Logs folder any more, so at first I thought it was something wrong with Nexgen itself, but the settings were all fine.

It turned out the problem was my folder had way too many old logs stored, both Nexgen logs and UTstats logs (the last ones alone were more than 2,200 files!)

Now there are a few things you should know to prevent this from happening:

1 - Even if you disable the NGstags WorldLogs, the server by default will keep on saving the Local Logs. You can not turn them off via WebAdmin, the only way is to manually edit all server INIs (UnrealTournament.ini, MonsterHunt.ini and MonsterHunt2v1.ini in my case).

Under the [Engine.GameInfo] section, look for this entry:
and set it to False for all of your INIs

The NGstats system is dead a long while ago, and the local logs are quite useless (they cause lag and may make the server unstable), so it's safe to turn them off.

2 - Delete all UnrealNGstats logs from your Logs folder, but not all of them at once if you're using FTP access, otherwise your connection will fail due to a timeout (delete no more than 200 files at the same time to stay safe);

3 - Every time you force a server restart or your server crashes, Nexgen will produce some incomplete logs with a TMP extension, feel free to delete those as well;

4 - Copy all the remaining Nexgen logs to your local HDD and then delete them from the server;

5 - Do this log-purging process at least once a week (it depends on the traffic your server is getting).

6 - Have fun with server adminning, every day something new that needs to be fixed. :P
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Re: Server Logs Disappearing - Important!!!

Post by Hook » Sun May 30, 2010 12:56 am

Yes, I restart my servers regularly and have had those stats turned off for years now.
Especially any Linux servers! :wink:
Those stats can cause problems with those Linux servers and we got to Not turn them on when we ran Keller's CKD server there.
Now it looks like they are mostly turned off by default there from what I have seen - they used to be on with a newly started server there. :shock:
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Re: Server Logs Disappearing - Important!!!

Post by Hermskii » Mon May 31, 2010 11:46 pm

Put that in Pot's corner or in the faq section please. I disabled all of that years ago and had forgotten how to do it but recall it drove me nuts for a long time to figure out how to stop NGStats from logging everything.


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