Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes Nuke)

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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview (Video and Screenshots)

Post by Feralidragon » Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:56 am


Well, like the title says, I have bad and good news to give, so I will start with the bad ones:


1 - It happens that it's now impossible for me to release this in December.
I really wanted to release this pack this month, since it would be the best time for almost everyone, however it's now impossible due to certain RL stuff (not "issues", but simply lack of time), and since now it doesn't matter anymore the exact month to release, it will be delayed 1 to 3 months, which means that the new public release time will be between January and March of next year.

2 - There's a weapon I won't do anymore: Cybot Order Giver (or something like that). The point of it was to give orders to cybots to make formations, however I thought a bit further on it and I realized it would completelly useless in-game, and complex to do (not the weapon, but the different formations, since it would need somewhat a more advanced AI and quite a strategical knowledge I currently don't have to make such AI [I suck at chess, nuff said lol]).


1 - The new cybots will be more complex, more intelligent and challenging, and will be visually much more superior (from the transformation to the actual "pawn" movement and animation, or at least should be lol);

2 - This put, I won't release a main version first and then a Bonus Pack later, instead I will release everything all together: remakes and new weapons announced (well, this might be good news or bad news depending on the perspective).

3 - Before the actual public release, I will potentially need to beta-test it first at a private server (mostly because of the NW3 core), which means I will need beta-testers later, which means that some people might be able to try them out before release. Depending on the number of willing beta-testers, I might have to make a selection, or not even do the whole beta-testing alltogether, we will see.

4 - During the beta-testing time (perhaps 1 or 2 weeks before the actual release), I will try to pull out a simple map for the nukes, not just an empty big room, but I will try to pull a nice looking outdoor map for all kinds of gametypes, but I won't promisse anything.

5 - Although I didn't plan to show further updates, as I had to delay the release, I will post some screens or sneaky pics times to times, since all there's left is the cybot launcher, the nukes, some core features, and the BP content (a melee weapon, one or another utility and the ion nuke), so people don't think this mod is inactive or something (otherwise when it gets released people would have already forgot about it like I saw in other people's mods), when is actually quite active in its development. And talking about it, this is the new Cybot Launcher:

This is all I have to say for now, I hope you all understand (I don't like it this way either, but it has to be this way so the pack fullfills everyone's minimal expectations).

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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview (Video and Screenshots)

Post by BIOMECH » Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:19 pm

I don't think people will mind the release being delayed. I reckon people are happy that it exists in the first place and it's much better to have a finished product than a rushed one :wink:

And as if it hasn't been said multiple times by every person who's ever seen it; those graphics are far ahead of the rest of UT. It's like the Operation Na Pali of weapon sets :lol:

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DEVELOPMENT UPDATE (05-Mar-2011) - Cybot Launcher Finished

Post by Feralidragon » Sat Mar 05, 2011 7:05 pm

DEVELOPMENT UPDATE (05-Mar-2011) - Cybot Launcher Finished

If anyone wondered if this pack was still under development, read below (screenshots below as well):

138 classes, more than 100 texture files, 73 new 3D models and 2 months of development later, the Cybot Launcher is finally ready (finished it today).
Like I said previouslly, this was the most complex part of the NW3 pack and it would take time to finish, specially since I never did AI or Pawn animations (ended up to find further engine bugs on the way too regarding pawns), never the development of a single weapon took me this much time, but personally I am quite glad I could at least finish it the way I somewhat intended to, plus the most difficult thing in the pack was achieved, so now the rest is "relativelly easy" to make.

Although it was quite difficult to make, it's very easy to use and quite fun as well. It's a weapon classified as "Super Weapon", which means Redeemer's class, plus they are able to battle eachothers and are fully optimized for team games (2 to 4 teams), specially visually.
It can carry up to 15 ammo, however you get only 5 ammo at pickup (so basically you would need to get 3 launchers to get 15 ammo).

The cybots will fight and can get killed, and they are (F and G stand for "Follower" and "Guardian" respectivelly):

#1 - Sentinel - Stationary cybot, attacks incoming enemies with its blaster (1 ammo needed);
#2 - Dual Sentinel - An advanced version of the Sentinel: it holds 2 blasters so it attacks 2x faster (2 ammo needed);
#3 - Android F - A cybot which can walk, run, jump, cut heads off while jumping, as also a blaster, dodges incoming projectiles (when possible), etc... and follows you around (3 ammo needed);
#4 - Android G - Same as Android F, but this one doesn't follow you around, it stays at the place you deployed until it spots an enemy (3 ammo needed);
#5 - Heli F - Flies around following you and attacking enemies with a dual blaster, and dodges incoming projectiles, however it doesn't fire a while doing so (5 ammo needed);
#6 - Heli G - Same as Heli F, but doesn't follow you, it stays where it was deployed (it still moves around though) (5 ammo needed);
#7 - Drone F - It's a flying cybot with much more freedom than Heli, faster, it makes much less noise and it's harder to hit, and at times it fires up to 3 sequences of 7 following projectiles to hit different enemies at range, can fire while dodging, and follows you around (8 ammo needed);
#8 - Drone G - Same as Drone F, but doesn't follow you, it stays where it was deployed (it still moves around though) (8 ammo needed);
#9 - Kamikaze - It's a suicidal exploding cybot: it charges up for about 3 seconds (making the center light bigger and brighter), and makes a huge explosion, covering an area slightly bigger than the Redeemer (8 ammo needed);
#10 - F-Field - Also known as Force Field, it simply won't let any projectile pass through it's boundaries, friend or foe, although anyone is able to fire projectiles from the inside. From each time it receives damage through the field, it gets smaller, however this is the only cybot which can regenerate and grow big again to its initial state. There's a an option in the ini to also kill enemy pawns attempting to physically invade the field, but it's false by default (8 ammo needed);
#11 - Vortex - By far the best cybot you will want to get your hand on: it creates a quantum vortex and pulls everything at its reach (except projectiles). It frequently discharges some energy to the ground breaking it and atracting further matter into it (12 ammo needed).

Some Notes:

Also, as you might imagine, the release time of NW3 will be again delayed (I never thought to take this much time, even thought I somewhat knew a long was needed for this weapon in particular), but this time I won't stablish a time, instead I will say what's still left to be done to release the pack:
- Some addons and fixes to the core and some already finished weapons;
- The nukes (about 5 of them, including the new Megaton and UltimaProtos, been saving some core visual features exclusivelly for these 2);
- A simple melee weapon;
- A few "utilities" (2 or 3, easy stuff)
- A few mutators
- Some new pickups to replace the standard ones

So as you see, the release gets closer and closer, and the development is not stopped, and there isn't that much to be done.



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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview (Video and Screenshots)

Post by Hermskii » Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:07 pm


This thing looks like it is going to be lots of fun. I have a couple of questions though in regards to it working with other mods. My main question is when you built this version of NW3, did you do it like NW2 where it conforms to standard MH building practices? It isn't just for MH but it can be added along with MH right? That leads me to my next question. Will it work with MonsterHunt2 also?Will it work with UTJMH mutator or whatever that thing is called that replenishes health and ammo?

Does someone else have your work just in case anything awful happens to you and you can't finish it? I know that sounds morbid but I've seen lots of things on the drawing board that just stopped for who knows what reason and I'd hate to see that happen here with you.

Lastly, I'm thrilled you remembered to come back here and update us about it. This forum is always open and welcoming to you plugging your work to others so keep up your advertisements! Peace good buddy and good luck with the rest of all of it!


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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview (Video and Screenshots)

Post by Feralidragon » Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:58 am

Hermskii wrote:My main question is when you built this version of NW3, did you do it like NW2 where it conforms to standard MH building practices?
Do you mean the custom functionalities addons specifically for MH? Well, yes, somewhat, some MH addons NW2 had will be still on NW3 but quite different (optimized and flexible) but disabled by default, you can enable (or disable) what you want later, so you can adjust it to what you think it integrates MH best.
Hermskii wrote:It isn't just for MH but it can be added along with MH right?
Yes, this pack is not limited by any gametype I know of, standard or custom popular ones.
Hermskii wrote:Will it work with MonsterHunt2 also?
Yes, however MH2 have some MH fixes, and this pack will also have integrated MH fixes (in another way though) as there are still many people using the regular MH, so you may have to disable the fix coming from my pack to use the MH2 fixes only, otherwise these fixes may "collide" with eachother (I don't know how the fixes were made in MH2).
On release I will give more details about this, but you don't need to worry, it should work.
Hermskii wrote:Will it work with UTJMH mutator or whatever that thing is called that replenishes health and ammo?
Hermskii wrote:Does someone else have your work just in case anything awful happens to you and you can't finish it?
Well, no one else has it, although I have several backups at home, at the job and even on the web, but only I (and my brother at home) have access to them.
However, I won't hand them to anyone either while it's still under development (you can somewhat thank the "excellent" community we have in UT, well, some communities, not this one ofc).

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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview (Video and Screenshots)

Post by Hermskii » Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:17 am

So my questions were good ones in fact. You used the right word when you described how some of your MH fixes might "Collide" with the MonsterHunt2 fixes. I knew that there would come a point where fixing MH issues would start to make it to where you had to decide whether you wanted to use the original MH code as your base or the MonsterHunt2 code as your base when making new stuff.

I have had many discussions with multiple MH development personalities over the recent years in regards to this concern. I viewed it like this: Either you make a map expecting everyone who plays it to play it with a UTJMH mod or you make it as though they won't. One map will be bigger than the other and one map will be impossible to beat by yourself depending on which way you leaned when you made it and which way the player was already leaning when they downloaded it. Another case in point being the monster count. If you made the map expecting the players to use a UTJMH mod then it would have more monsters and likely stronger. If you made the same map thinking the players would not have a replenishment mod running then you would reduce the monster count, make the monsters weaker and have way more pick ups.

About your brother having access to your work. GOOD. I wasn't asking you to release any of it. I just wanted to make sure someone could release it in the event of your untimely exit from UT. Also, can you tell me more about your last line you wrote. Has someone hacked or stolen or pre-release your work in the past without your knowing about it? I understood it to indicate that one or more entire UT groups of people have screwed you over in the past. I'm glad think you are saying that this forum and community had nothing to do with it. Yes, I just want to support your effort. Not steal it or change it up or let it out of the bag before you are ready. Peace!


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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview (Video and Screenshots)

Post by Feralidragon » Mon Mar 07, 2011 6:04 am

Hermskii wrote:So my questions were good ones in fact. You used the right word when you described how some of your MH fixes might "Collide" with the MonsterHunt2 fixes. I knew that there would come a point where fixing MH issues would start to make it to where you had to decide whether you wanted to use the original MH code as your base or the MonsterHunt2 code as your base when making new stuff.
Yes, but you don't need to worry about that with this pack, since it will adapt to both.
Hermskii wrote: About your brother having access to your work. GOOD. I wasn't asking you to release any of it. I just wanted to make sure someone could release it in the event of your untimely exit from UT. Also, can you tell me more about your last line you wrote. Has someone hacked or stolen or pre-release your work in the past without your knowing about it? I understood it to indicate that one or more entire UT groups of people have screwed you over in the past. I'm glad think you are saying that this forum and community had nothing to do with it. Yes, I just want to support your effort. Not steal it or change it up or let it out of the bag before you are ready. Peace!
Well, my brother has access, but he's not aware of this development (he just plays with them sometimes, even on LAN with friends, and he never liked my other mods, so you may guess the huge difference in visuals and gameplay in-game), so even so, everything he could do would be release as it is (he doesn't know anything about programming at all, I am the one sometimes helping him with code for another different game lol).

About people screwing me over, yes, that happenned quite a lot specially during the past 3 months. I prefer not wanting to enter in any details to not cause any further drama (I am tired of it, just want to develop), but there's a guy out there who stole my stuff and he keeps being an ass, and even being aware of this, some communities prefer sympathize with him rather than me even showing them proof repeateadly about him delivering stolen material. Of course, I can't "sue" him nor I would spend my time with that, I just expected a bit of respect and moral from the communities which are accepting this kind of behaviour, and because he's still "out" screwing over, in return I won't develop much more for UT. NW3 is actually one of the last mods I will do because of this, and the other 2/3 mods I will do for the game (the last ones) will be mostly Single Player oriented because I know in such communities this is considered a serious "crime"and developers are respected, either skilled or noob ones.

Join that with some "big admins" in the community using me to develop stuff and discard me like trash when they have things done, but well, those are already paying the price for that: one clan is getting more and more inactive as they didn't want to listen, and are loosing more and more members, and a certain admin from another community is now starving for coders: he know the only ones who know how to do the stuff he wants is me and another one, none of us wants to do anything with him anymore, as we got treated the same way.

But well, none of that matters anymore, I simply won't be affiliated with any clans or communities anymore and I will focus in what brought me to develop for the game in the first place: the developing itself and trying to bring something new to the game, drama free, simple as that.

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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview (Video and Screenshots)

Post by Feralidragon » Mon Mar 07, 2011 6:04 am

Hermskii wrote:So my questions were good ones in fact. You used the right word when you described how some of your MH fixes might "Collide" with the MonsterHunt2 fixes. I knew that there would come a point where fixing MH issues would start to make it to where you had to decide whether you wanted to use the original MH code as your base or the MonsterHunt2 code as your base when making new stuff.
Yes, but you don't need to worry about that with this pack, since it will adapt to both.
Hermskii wrote: About your brother having access to your work. GOOD. I wasn't asking you to release any of it. I just wanted to make sure someone could release it in the event of your untimely exit from UT. Also, can you tell me more about your last line you wrote. Has someone hacked or stolen or pre-release your work in the past without your knowing about it? I understood it to indicate that one or more entire UT groups of people have screwed you over in the past. I'm glad think you are saying that this forum and community had nothing to do with it. Yes, I just want to support your effort. Not steal it or change it up or let it out of the bag before you are ready. Peace!
Well, my brother has access, but he's not aware of this development (he just plays with them sometimes, even on LAN with friends, and he never liked my other mods, so you may guess the huge difference in visuals and gameplay in-game), so even so, everything he could do would be release as it is (he doesn't know anything about programming at all, I am the one sometimes helping him with code for another different game lol).

About people screwing me over, yes, that happenned quite a lot specially during the past 3 months. I prefer not wanting to enter in any details to not cause any further drama (I am tired of it, just want to develop), but there's a guy out there who stole my stuff and he keeps being an ass, and even being aware of this, some communities prefer sympathize with him rather than me even showing them proof repeateadly about him delivering stolen material. Of course, I can't "sue" him nor I would spend my time with that, I just expected a bit of respect and moral from the communities which are accepting this kind of behaviour, and because he's still "out" screwing over, in return I won't develop much more for UT. NW3 is actually one of the last mods I will do because of this, and the other 2/3 mods I will do for the game (the last ones) will be mostly Single Player oriented because I know in such communities this is considered a serious "crime"and developers are respected, either skilled or noob ones.

Join that with some "big admins" in the community using me to develop stuff and discard me like trash when they have things done, but well, those are already paying the price for that: one clan is getting more and more inactive as they didn't want to listen, and are loosing more and more members, and a certain admin from another community is now starving for coders: he know the only ones who know how to do the stuff he wants is me and another one, none of us wants to do anything with him anymore, as we got treated the same way.

But well, none of that matters anymore, I simply won't be affiliated with any clans or communities anymore and I will focus in what brought me to develop for the game in the first place: the developing itself and trying to bring something new to the game, drama free, simple as that.

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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview (Video and Screenshots)

Post by Hook » Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:41 am

Hey, Feralidragon - that bad stuff will not happen Here at Hermskii's or on my forum either.
Rest assured!
Thank you for continuing to be present here at Hermskii's and also over at my forums. :D
Great work!
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview (Video and Screenshots)

Post by Sir Mandrake » Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:19 pm

I am really happy to see that Monsterhunt wasnt forgetten. I run Monsterhunt2 on my server so Ill be testing NW3 with it. Not so sure how many are running MH2 like I am.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview (Video and Screenshots)

Post by Hermskii » Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:11 pm

I think most are using MH2 now.


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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview (Video and Screenshots)

Post by Sir Mandrake » Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:30 pm

You might have the MH versions mixed up and Im not sure why this is but Monsterhunt2 V1 is different that MonsterHunt V2 - Im running the one not compatable with Valhala Avatar Mod which is the last version GP has messed with. Ive gone to other servers running what looks like v2 but its entirely different.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview (Video and Screenshots)

Post by Hook » Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:49 pm

I have 2 of them on file called ...
MonsterHunt2v1 from 3/22/2010
MonsterHunt2v3 from 6/20/2010

mars007 runs the later one "2v3"
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview (Video and Screenshots)

Post by Sir Mandrake » Mon Mar 07, 2011 5:44 pm

Yep, when I started my server I ran Monsterhunt2v1
I was sent Monsterhunt2v3 to try but was asked not to go public with it. I got busy and never got around to trying it out untill I returned a couple months later and posted this....

I went and grabbed Monsterhunt v2 as directed and set it up and thats where its at now. If this Monsterhunt has so many new features than the others why not call it Monsterhunt v3.

So I guess the question now is which monsterhunt version is the latest....or is MH2v3 the exact same as MHv2?? Will this rogue MH version I have even work with NW3 when it comes out??
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview (Video and Screenshots)

Post by Hermskii » Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:14 pm

I think Feralidragon has made his mod well enough that it will work with any version of MH. The question then becomes with fixes in his mod to use or not use as compared with the built in fixes in MH which can not be turned on or off as near as I can tell.

I have to admit Feralidragon, I'm real curious as to the names of the people who messed you over so badly. Feel free to PM me here with that info! You I don't make the same mistake of trusting the wrong folks. Thanks!


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