Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes Nuke)

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Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes Nuke)

Post by Feralidragon » Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:36 pm

Basically put, I made a second NW3 preview as requested by some people, where I show the Graviton, the cybots and even 2 nuclear explosions (Level 4 [=Megaton], and a very small bit of Level 5 [=UltimaProtos] at the end of the video):


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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes Nuke)

Post by Nelsona » Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:04 pm

NW3 and MH2 will be interesting to see how will work together. In MH2, game is very stable but already monsters are some decreased in sensitivity, there are a lot of replacements. Other replacements ? Ah, still have enough resources ? I have some small doubts. If NW 3 is pushing engine to the limits, don't be sure about MH2 that is an "easy to hadle" mod for a server.

My Advice, just an advice and an observation:
1) I think you need to do an integrated MH controller in NW3 called by settings (MH, DM, etc.), do not involve any UTJMH and MH2 in this party because I'm not sure if will work as expected. UTJMH is ruining Skaarj together with MonsterBase. You have 1 mutator base called by MH, other 2 one is UTJMH, and the huge 3 one yours. 3 Things must be linked very carefull or else will mess up the action, so do not call a bunch of mutators in MH because will see worse things;
2) For this job, can be something like NW3.MonsterHunt (I suggest to take a look at what is mean MH and some troubles according to monsters presence in Tournament Games);
3) If you will be wise to redo a MH controller (your own optimized) take a look at RangedProjectiles (projectiles fired by monsters) I think they need your love with some decals, smoke, etc. This can be added right in SetPawnDifficulty in MonsterHunt.uc class. Also here you can put some dead messages for monsters if they die instigated by lavas or other craps from maps, find a faster way to control this function timed because Factories can spawn monsters later and we want them tweaked with NW3MonsterFeatures :D;
4) These things need to work faster to not decrease A.I. sensitivity, the simple way is to involve a Controller and a BaseMutator not a bunch of mutators.

About NW2 we already talked about some crashes at PMH.

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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes Nuke)

Post by Nelsona » Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:11 pm

Split___ continue

So, conclusion as observation. If you think at MH I guess will be much better to redo an integrated controller and forget about others ..... With this solution engine will work faster, monsters can be also a bit friendly (I found a way to make them quite efficient in party) maybe you have other solution.

A few simple lines added will develop something better than until now (I can show you what is about if you are interested in a future MH controller integrated).

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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes Nuke)

Post by EvilGrins » Sat Sep 10, 2011 9:15 pm

Nelsona wrote:NW3 and MH2 will be interesting to see how will work together. In MH2
Doubt it'll be much different than play NW2 on MH, which I do quite often already at Killerbee's server.


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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes Nuke)

Post by Nelsona » Sun Sep 11, 2011 7:12 am

I don't know why are you answer always presumptions. MH2 is hard mod for server is not default MH. An aditional mod to MH2 won't be the best ideea especially a strongly stuffed one. Already Sir Mandrake posted about some lazy monsters in reactions in MH2, did you started a MH2 server to see how is working with aditional stuff ? I'll bet not.

Do not tell me about NW2 and MH. Not once the game was ended by a server crash. You really don't understand what is happening in engine runing a MH mod with a few (500) monsters in a map. Each tick is used to keep them strong.

You just insult Gopo with your comparation between MH and MH2. I visited once that server mentioned by you and what to see ? After 5 minutes of play and others to download, server crashed. Take a break, pls.

I know very well why I posted my sugestion. I worked a bunch of hours with MH testing a lot of options, maybe you worked too in MH and you discovered something better. I'll be glad to share your codes for a small collaboration if you don't mind.

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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes Nuke)

Post by EvilGrins » Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:15 pm

My intention was not an insult. Also, keep in mind, present time is not the issue. NW3 isn't out yet. What may be true now is not necessaily going to be true then.

I'd like to think that by the time NW3 is finally relased, the odds of server crashes will be significantly more minute.

You Should try not to be so negative.

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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes Nuke)

Post by Nelsona » Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:17 am

I'm not negative either. I just checked the source code of MHGold and is extreme server intensive. Assuming a good link between any NWX and MH2 without errors, I want to see a monster how fast is acting. Usually nobody need to hunt statues or carcasses.

I can see that you didn't understood nothing from coding part of these things but you are just posting.

I suggested with A Very Good intention an integrated MH controller because I already told, I KNOW what I'm saying. But you know what about I'm saying ?

I saw a server with MH2Gold and NW2 (including skins) and I noticed more crashes. Can you relax just for 2 minutes ? And that was not my negativity, was just reality. In fact, if you read the document released with MH2Gold there is very clearly described about to take care with using this version in the same time with other mods, can be more than a trouble and results are unpredictable. Pick some time to read that document and we can talk about MH2Gold versus other mods a bit later.

But is OK anyway. If you don't need to collaborate in this coding section of forum, no problem, I can stop posting and sharing knowledge since you answer only at half of a phrase, even the other half is telling more and is containing an answer. A question: Did you read entire post before starting to reply ?

Now go to study a few things but I don't need to post about them because I'm sure about an insufficient and faster reply from you, intended to change subject exactly like here. I'm not talking about human characters, I'm talking about CODES and how they acting together.

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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes Nuke)

Post by Feralidragon » Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:48 am

I didn't come here for a while, but if it's still not too late and answering to Nelsona:
- Well, I don't know how MH2 is fully coded so I cannot talk about its stability, however MH is indeed the most pushy gametype relative every others (being the second Siege, which is the most popular one atm).
So, about creating an integrated MH controller/fixer bundled with NW3 is not a bad ideia, however I would have to fix every single thing that MH had wrong and do basically the UTJMH and MH2 together from scratch so everything could work in a very optimized and not intrusive way, and it would have to be heavilly tested as well for compatibility, so I am more into not doing it.
Plus I am doing NW3 with some fixes already for MH (like the weapons replacement on skaarj), lowering the need of an external controller, and NW2X compared to NW3 relative stability and optimization is like garbage next to gold coding-wise, it's a huge difference.
So first I after release (or during private beta-testing) I will check if NW3 needs something like that or if the pack is stable enough to discard the need of another controller (which would have to be done seperatelly, although if I did I would do it so it could be 100% compatible with my weapons of course).

Either ways, I bring a new update:

New UltimaProtos (weapon, only skinned, with no fx and no animation whatsoever, therefore I still didn't make the charge up or any effect from the firing sequence, but is going to be a 5 seconds or so charge up with "several stages"):

And for the ones who still didn't see the new Megaton, here it is as well (this one is finished, with both online and bot support, with decoder and password and all, being the main feature the ability to setup the time/password with the 0-9 keys with full animation):

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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes Nuke)

Post by Hermskii » Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:24 pm

Muhahahaha! Can't wait. Good deal FD!


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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes Nuke)

Post by Sir Mandrake » Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:48 pm

My Battle Server Drools and Craves for NW3!
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes Nuke)

Post by *POTS* » Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:47 pm

I have a question: I remember I noticed a problem with the old NW2 and those MH random awards: if you get one of the nuclear weapons in place of the Redeemer as a random award while you're playing, it will automatically switch to that weapon for some obscure reason even if autoswitch is disabled. That's a problem since there's a high chance you're gonna suicide your own butt. What could be causing that? Is there a way to prevent it from happening? My guess is there's something wrong with the weapon priority, but I might be wrong. :?

One more thing: the stock crosshairs for UT look big and blurry if you're using a widescreen resolution. Will the NW3 crosshairs appear like they're supposed to be even on widescreen monitors/resolutions (16:9 and/or 16:10 aspect ratio)?
Looks like the UT HUD, generally speaking, doesn't fit well on newer monitors unfortunately (unless you shrink it down a lot), so please keep that in mind.
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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes Nuke)

Post by Nelsona » Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:20 am

Yea, redoing a MH controller integrated will be much better than a bunch of attempts to make compatibility with UTJMH and others. Loading more mutators with incorrect call each-other just stuck server, anyway Skaarj chapter is very very sensitive. ANY, and ANY replacement done to weaponry is just ruin their party. Solution exists, this means to spy MyWeapon or WeaponType (depending on function used), and to redeclare this as being MyWeapon with enough ammo loaded. At least for "OLD" MH weapons I saw errors returned by A.I. rating, null logpickup, meshes missing, states incorrect done, etc. Maybe you can consider to do the part for A.I. complete including Bot, Skaarj, any ScriptedPawn weapon-holder.

Trust me, since Gopo triggered me to a new MH controller, I could see more troubles with old Game fixable in a new one, with support from others and some own dumb ideeas I make the things to works really better, not perfect yet but enough good, including the last CRAP - MONSTER SHADOW, yeeeaaaaa. This last one wasn't so hard to be implemented, the hard thing and a challenge was to find a way to controll their skill, in first attempt all monsters entered in God mode (grrr), later I found a way to hit 2 things in one function, even if randomly a monster is over-skilled is not bad, I mean a pupae in skill 7 need to be with 97 health, randomly later you can see a pupae with 145 health, this is not happening with all classes but can occur at certain later spawned monsters.

And story can continue...

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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes Nuke)

Post by Nelsona » Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:43 am


Continue, also Ferali if you don't mind, can you spawn right in MonsterWayPoints some specials BotBurguer liked to the position value ? And other thing stop that crap "run in place" when there are no paths like in CTF.

We can talk about some enhancements to MH if you want and you don't mind.

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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes Nuke)

Post by Feralidragon » Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:03 am

- AutoSwitch priority: NW2 itself is forcing the switch. I know what you're talking about since I played sometimes with my own mod at KB's MH server and that already happenned to me lol
Also, about 1 year and half ago Robs PMed me to tell me about that.
That's already thought out and in NW3 I won't force that since I know how frustating it can be, it was dumb doing that way back then with NW2.

- Widescreens: Actually I am indeed giving special care to diferent monitor resolutions. The new NW3 crosshairs aren't affected by screen format at all, and I tested and test every new weapon in the following types of screens: CRT 4:3, LCD/TFT: 16.10 and 16:9.
I even created a new property in my weapons which is called WideScreenOffset (basically the weapon rendering offset in widescreen, considering that you have FOV > 100), since some weapons like the IRPR, Megaton and a few others needed adjustments to not either look giant or to not occlude some important weapon parts.
So widescreen support is ensured.

@Nelsona: About the skaarj issue, that's not the only solution. Did you know that the DropInventory in Pawns works flawlessly under any circunstances? What I do is simply: make their weapons bCanThrow to false, so the weapon they're holding gets destroyed when they die, and in case their DropInventory is None (which happens in 99% of the cases, unless you have a kind of pinata mutator enabled), I assign their weapon class to DropInventory, and when they die, for the player he just drops the weapon he was holding, when in reality he destroyed his own and dropped what he had set in DropInventory. Works flawlesslly.

About replacements, my solution is a bit more tricky, but it's an universal solution that makes my replacement work even for Last Man Standing, or when you type the command "loaded", and works 100% on skaarj or any other weapon holder pawn.

Again, about that integrated MH controller, I will think about that but I cannot ensure I will actually do it.
What you and others may do though, is making an exact list of what are the main worries/problems in the standard MH and needed features, since I simply don't know which most of them are.

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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes Nuke)

Post by Nelsona » Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:58 pm

Ferali, man, is not really about drop inventory. That thing is done for all ScriptedPawns weapon holders. Now, they simply drop the right thing, you can fire with their weapon and you can see their dropped weapon as well. Why I did this ? After some hours of tests I completed this feature because of my personal reason. In a few maps My target is to kill them and to stole their inventory and to use it against other monsters: TitanGun, Esr, etc. This was a pleasure for me, but many years I just used craps without HUD and without sound.

The equation is: We have a SkaarjSniper in a map. He is owner of a "Rifle" means a Network coded Rifle not an OLD crap.
In my mod I had a problem: Some insufficient blast radius of redeemer just moved them and Skaarj weren't touched by weapon (yes, weapon spawned with Skaarj is instructed to touch their owner in AUTO STATE STARTUP), if a dumb replacement suddenly is destroying their LOVE, our Skaarj Can mess up the pickup and won't be glad about new aquisition. I redeclared new weapon as being an original. They can use it, but those so called weapons for NetPlay are incorrect done, logging accesed none craps. States are return also some missing codes, etc. Server not crashed because of these small flaws, even I can see Skaarj firing with assumed QuadShot, never happened in original MH. If the Skaarj is mess up the weapon, they will receive ASMD (MonsterHunt.OLASMD), and job done. Unkillable Skaarj ? Nah, Any ScriptedPawn is excepted from be added in hunters team 0 by default, no more unkillable craps, they can be added in team because in the first second they are players, yes they are players until have weapons.
How I did this ? Well, CheckReplacement function based on DMmutator is no longer used. First I attacked any Skaarj with weapon replacing this first. Later I used the same code as for MonsterEnd trigger exactly in timer to have enough free time for those auto states startups. Things works fine without troubles especially is increased the speed because I don't have checks each tick for weaponry, even in maps with a few monsters I noticed less frames loss than in a DM server, yea you don't need to believe me, just check this.
Now I break the speed a bit adding some decals, but is a nice game.

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