Not much I could do. I hate change

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Not much I could do. I hate change

Post by David » Wed Oct 17, 2012 4:29 pm

I am a creature of habit. I do not like change, unless I am the one requesting it. With that said, I was FORCED to change my web browser. Why you might ask? Well, I use Google Calendar and I was using Internet Explorer 8.......Let me stop you right I mentioned above, I do not like change and I have been using IE8 and IE about 98% of the time that I had a computer with the interenet.... Anyway back to the story.

When I logged into my calendar on Google, there was a popup explaining that I need to upgrade to a "modern browser" and that I will not be able to use calendar in the near future because they are no longer going to support it, and since I have XP Pro, I can not get IE9...... :|

So I tried to research the browser choices and went with Google Chrome. I had to spend the last hour going through the features and set it up the way I would want it. But I still hate change. Takes me out of my nice comfort zone. The zone where I know things are and how they react.
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Re: Not much I could do. I hate change

Post by Hermskii » Wed Oct 17, 2012 5:05 pm

You poor soul! I know exactly how you feel. the bad news gets worse though. I have a way to run IE9 on Windows XP.


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Re: Not much I could do. I hate change

Post by David » Wed Oct 17, 2012 5:07 pm

Hermskii wrote:You poor soul! I know exactly how you feel. the bad news gets worse though. I have a way to run IE9 on Windows XP.
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Re: Not much I could do. I hate change

Post by Hermskii » Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:32 pm


I'm serious.

You OK?

You want to know how or just keep going with Google?

I'm torn myself and I have IE9. Torn because my sweet Samsung Galaxy S3 phone works very well with all things Google.

I hate to cave in and do everything (email, maps, calendar, apps) through Google but they offer everything for free just about. I like the idea that as long as I can get on the internet from almost anywhere in the world my entire computer related information collection can be accessed.


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Re: Not much I could do. I hate change

Post by David » Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:48 pm

Hermskii wrote:No...

I'm serious.

You OK?

You want to know how or just keep going with Google?

I'm torn myself and I have IE9. Torn because my sweet Samsung Galaxy S3 phone works very well with all things Google.

I hate to cave in and do everything (email, maps, calendar, apps) through Google but they offer everything for free just about. I like the idea that as long as I can get on the internet from almost anywhere in the world my entire computer related information collection can be accessed.
I am getting used to google chrome. Once I have it set up they way I want it, it appears to be stable. So I guess I will try staying with it. I will let you know though, thanks.

I need to change my browser at work now to google chrome so I can continue my use of the calendar.
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Re: Not much I could do. I hate change

Post by Hermskii » Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:54 pm

Yeah. Go ahead and do that too. By the way, did they ever mention in that Terminator movie the exact date of when Google changed its name to SkyNet?


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Re: Not much I could do. I hate change

Post by a nameless entity » Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:59 pm

I've been hearing about how imperiously difficult Facebook and Google are getting.

It would appear that the Google company is thoroughly modern in attitude, and therefore completely terrible. It used to be that a company would bend over backwards to get your business. But now they treat their customers as supplicants who must beg for their products as if they were alms for the poor. It's just not right. In fact the wrongness is monumental.

Oh wait! I've shot my mouth off on this tangent already in here. I'm sorry! :(

But on the other hand, no I'm not. :roll:
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Re: Not much I could do. I hate change

Post by David » Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:40 pm

Hermskii wrote:Yeah. Go ahead and do that too. By the way, did they ever mention in that Terminator movie the exact date of when Google changed its name to SkyNet?
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Re: Not much I could do. I hate change

Post by Hermskii » Wed Oct 17, 2012 11:30 pm

Both of you make me laugh all of the time. Thanks! You are right though Nameless. Times have certainly changed. I recall when a part time kid who was just working over the summer at some place would give me the best service possible. I have no faith in the kids today and half of the adults I come across don't care at all either.

It sucks that I have always tried to do my best at places of work and carried myself in the manner I would think the owner of the company would want me to and yet doing so never got me ahead. Sadly, I still see suck-ups and pure jerks move up in rank faster. One of the very few things that is actually good about my mother being passed on already is that she no longer has to witness what service has become in this country. I work like she did. Hard and honorably. I earn my paychecks and I do it professionally just like she did.

Have you gone in to buy gas yet and had the attendant not even stop talking on their cell phone through the whole transaction? This happens here all of the time. I can barely even understand the people taking orders at fast food joint drive throughs. I should start a topic here called The Acceptance of the Dumbing Down of America. then we can all just post about the idiot that we had to deal with who represented a company that 15 or 20 years ago would have taken good care of us and serviced us properly unlike they do now. I'm dead tired. Going to bed soon. Night all. Sorry for typos.


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Re: Not much I could do. I hate change

Post by a nameless entity » Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:49 pm

Sometimes it depends on the employee, but often it is the place where they work that dictates how you get treated. Places with poor training will get low marks for employee attentiveness of course, but I find that the most usual places where service is terrible are the ones with low morale. There's a chain of stores here in Canada called Zellers. It is a discount store that mostly sells the mid grade to lower grade line of product. They have traditionally understaffed, underpaid, and poorly treated their employees. The stores are never very clean or tidy, and the way you get treated -if you can even find someone who works there- varies greatly.

At the other end of the scale I have been in a few grocery stores and Mom and Pop operations where the young people working there are much more attentive and polite than in times past. I am very encouraged by the young teenagers I meet in those places. Most young kids are being raised well I believe. My main objection is a tiny one: When I thank a youngster for helping me, they usually reply "no problem". I feel that it is important that the correct reply in a business transaction be "you're welcome". I was pleased to hear the correct reply yesterday from a 16 year old who packed my shopping bag for me at the grocery store. :)

Oh by the way, very soon now the Zellers stores will all be gone. Target from the USA has bought out most of the stores, and some outfit from Quebec is taking most of the rest. I'm a little unhappy that they are going to force the Zellers employees to go through the hiring process again, but hopefully the majority of them will be rehired. Retraining will definitely be happening, I'll get back to you how it went.

None of the above of course, applies to companies like the cable TV/Internet providers, or Google. They have little real human interaction, so they get no accurate feedback to correct their bad attitudes.
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Re: Not much I could do. I hate change

Post by David » Fri Oct 19, 2012 3:46 pm

Hermskii wrote:Yeah. Go ahead and do that too. By the way, did they ever mention in that Terminator movie the exact date of when Google changed its name to SkyNet?
I remember when Microsoft was the "SkyNet". You had to buy everything and upgrade everything to make things work togther.

At least Google is free. And I know that will be a point that others will pick up on and say what is a better way of being a slave to a company. An example would a person getting free drugs and then being hooked.. But anyways...switching to google chrome corrected the issues with the upcoming changes with the calendar and a co-worker states the upcoming change with gmail.
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Re: Not much I could do. I hate change

Post by a nameless entity » Fri Oct 19, 2012 9:52 pm

I see that I got onto my soap box again and spouted off in this thread for a second time. I think I meant to merely expand on my earlier post, but both messed it up and shot my mouth off at the same time. Sorry about that. :oops:

Maybe in that regard and for other reasons it's just as well I'm going offline soon. And I might just stay off too. The only other high speed provider in town is Bell telephone. I've heard horror stories of their foul ups over the years, most especially around billing issues. (What I describe next I have been reading about and hearing about on TV for years and years. It also explains why the guy I spoke to on the phone sounded like a Francophone who learned to speak English in Jamaica.)

Tonight I watched a few YouTube videos from Bell describing their Fibe TV and the PVR you get for signing up.
Then I saw a 10 minute video someone posted in 2009 about the terrible time he's having with billing issues and the run around he gets from the call centre. Apparently the call centres are in foreign countries, and it's hard to communicate effectively, because the person at the other end doesn't speak English well enough to understand what you are trying to resolve. And you get passed around from person to person, have to re-explain everything you just said, and get a different story about what is going on from each person that you talk to. So you might end up thinking you've resolved the issue until you get your next bill. Then the whole process starts all over once more when you call them back yet again.

While I was putting the finishing touches on this post I got some bad news which means I should not go offline as planned. I need to decide which of the two evils to choose from now. Damn.
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Re: Not much I could do. I hate change

Post by Hermskii » Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:52 am

I'm glad yo got the bad news. Why? Because I was about to go on my own rant about why you mustn't do that Nameless. Here was a few parts of what I was going to say with some I just thought of:

1. Whatever the bad news was that made you decide to stay online.
2. UT2004 CHAOS - who else is going to play that server of mine?
3. BUF-OT - it could get interesting with these guys freaking out now that there is a place where they can't just say what they want and get protected too as they attack other folks opinions. They might not have too much to say now that other people's counter post can't get deleted or edited.
4. You are one of the founding reasons this place exist and have the a even better baseline of reason than me. If you leave this place will turn into HALO / QUAKE forum.
5. Who would David talk to?
6. This place should be your reason to live on and try to find other solutions to your problem with service providers.
7. Besides Chico's place where else could we find you to tell you that we have found your winning lottery ticket?
8. Bike stories!
9. Your family here!
10. Submit your additional reasons here kind of humor!


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Re: Not much I could do. I hate change

Post by David » Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:20 pm

Hermskii wrote:You poor soul! I know exactly how you feel. the bad news gets worse though. I have a way to run IE9 on Windows XP.
I am curious about this way to run IE9 on xp. What does it take?
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Re: Not much I could do. I hate change

Post by a nameless entity » Sat Oct 20, 2012 3:42 pm

Well thank you for the kind words, Herm. I am not going to decide today what to do about the internet. But because I want to be contactable by all means possible I must stay online. If I stay with the cable company I will definitely be dropping my bandwidth down two price levels to save money. -Oh joy, even more lag on the UT2k4 server. And you know what that means! :wink: :twisted:

Oh yes, please post the IE 9 info here. YouTube keeps warning me that I must upgrade to IE9 soon in order to continue watching their stuff. :roll:
I'm a man........but I can change........if I have to........I guess

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