Meat, you should really seek help. You're a sick kid.

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Re: Meat, you should really seek help. You're a sick kid.

Post by Killer Klownz » Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:07 pm

EA_Elemental wrote:an old US Marines Saying; "A Combat Knife to the throat says more than the words of its master" For some people, this is true. *i think its a marine saying, might be wrong tho, might be another military group... meh*

sniff sniff . . . sniff sniff . . . sniff sniff . . .
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Re: Meat, you should really seek help. You're a sick kid.

Post by -HellFire- » Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:11 pm

Started with SilentBob and MEAT, now Klownz and EA, hilarious.

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Re: Meat, you should really seek help. You're a sick kid.

Post by MEAT » Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:40 pm


MEAT arrives at Curious George's around 2004 (give or take).
And as a newbie I took my beatings well until I started taking a good look around.
I was losing to bot and spawn killers.
Okay...small maps/to many bots/full's understandable.
I didn't think the makers of UT designed the game to be played this way.
So I made it public that I would like to see a change.
Maybe bigger maps/less bots/spawn protection...etc
And the $hit hit the fan.
Everyone and there brother (silent bob included) were on my azz.
I was called every name in the book for wanting to change CG.
And this continued for almost two years.
I was hated...until I got better. I learned every spawn point on every map Hermskii had.
And I did get better, so much better that I wasn't hated for wanting to change CG
but hated because I was so much better then those before me.
And the name calling from silent bob..."loser, fagot, clown..etc changed.
He along with others were now calling me a cheater.
A cheater for practicing for hours, learning maps and getting better...sound familar?
The problem is I'm not smart enough to know how to cheat.
So in the 7 years leading up until today...I'm still called a cheater by silent bob
and others. It's usually "lol cheater" and they leave.
Now I think a lot of these players, silent bob included...know that I don't cheat.
lol...I don't know how to cheat.
But I think it's their way of thinking/rationalizing "I can't beat this guy he's better then me".
"I'll call him a cheater and I'll feel better".
But I could be wrong.
There could be other reasons why silent bob won't play against me and those better then him.
So until he decides to stick around I'll keep calling him scared.
And yes, I can't wait to hear silent bobs side of the story.

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Re: Meat, you should really seek help. You're a sick kid.

Post by Hermskii » Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:00 pm

Well, here goes nothing. I won't have personal attacks going on here another second. Not here and not in game on any of my servers. I think everyone has said everything they wanted to. Luckily, if I so choose to, I will always get the final word.

I do feel that SB has done everything he can to avoid MEAT and I do feel that nobody should badger any player here or on the servers who considers themselves MHM material. I can't control people's action from my perch but I can influence people to raise themselves to a higher level good sportsmanship. I certainly can expect players to honor and respect the other players and me by playing with honor and respect themselves.

I expect complete respect for other people "here" and on "my servers" and will not tolerate anything less. I have sent emails to folks in the past in regards to their behavior but I'm just going to start locking accounts now. I expect all players to play wherever and whenever they want with or without whoever they want in regards to my servers. I expect everyone to totally respect that or pack your bags and leave. I feel SB has already expressed his side of the story and I feel MEAT knows what exactly what I expect from him going forward so I hope this is done. Any BAN or ACCOUNT DEACTIVATION that I have to initiate will be for 1 month. No exceptions. Don't even dare to half spell out a cuss word here either ever again! Tell EVERYONE! Thanks and have a great day!


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Re: Meat, you should really seek help. You're a sick kid.

Post by 5i1ent/3ob » Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:40 am

Everyone and there brother (silent bob included) were on my azz
- Another flat out lie. Exactly how was I on your azz?

By the way, I have beaten you before and on your own server...more than once too.
Each time I'm greeted with the standard Meat reply, "Nice spawn killing".

See folks, you can't beat Meat even when you beat him because he has his own reality lol.
There is medication for that, Meat.

It's taking me some time to track you down. Sure you don't want to just give me your address so you can have your big chance? At least that way it will be your idea?

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Re: Meat, you should really seek help. You're a sick kid.

Post by Hook » Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:48 pm

I feel I need to post one more "pile" here because I value SB as a good friend.
And, I just gotta say something or I feel I am neglecting that friendship. :|

I value ALL of you as good friends, and I hope this post here does NOT change that and screw things up! (yeah even Meat somewhat I guess) LOL :lol:
I only have One problem with MEAT that I share with most that I hear from, and it has Nothing to do with How he Plays UT.

I used Fuzz_Ball's posts for quotes Mainly because he seemed to touch on a lot of points here...
But, Sorry Fuzz, I am NOT trying to "pick" on you, I just don't think you or many people here totally understand all of this.
Most of you only see the results posted here is all.
I value Your friendship also Fuzz! - and I also realize that some of this is you just Joking is all ...
... But here goes... Just to set a few things straight that I observe anyway... (my opinion?)

Fuzz_Ball wrote:Now, /3ob, Sure MEAT is a sick kid and may need help but he's alright with me.
Not if he would Continually and Falsely cut you down all the time without any provocation Fuzz.
I'll bet he would Not be alright with you then.
I know it would drive me nuts and I too would leave a server that MEAT is in, or if anybody did this, same thing!
I would avoid them.
Fuzz_Ball wrote:Although he often whoops my azz, I have no problems playng against him.
Nobody has problems Playing against MEAT - or at least Very Few - that is Absurd and All in MEAT's head.
That is Not at all WHY SB (and some others I know) will not play with (or should I say "BE with") MEAT in any server either.
They have problems playing in a server "WITH MEAT in it", Being with MEAT is the problem, not playing against him.
I am fine playing against MEAT also, as he hasn't verbally attacked me that I know of.
Fuzz_Ball wrote:The fact that MRS has steady traffic is proof that many others don't mind the MEAT.
Actually, I think Not ...
As MEAT states over and over and over again, they, the players, usually Leave when he comes in.
They play because MRS has acquired a couple of regulars that play every minute they can. (think KK, SOD, etc.)
It is common knowledge now days, in these later days of UT, that potential players search for servers that have players in them.
That is the Very First criteria players look for in a server, that I see and is proven to me over and over again.
Sure, he set up a good server, and yes the "MEAT-Deemer" is a pretty fun deemer, but that is Secondary when you come down to what actually attracts players to a server.
First and Foremost is to have players in the server as much as possible - even just 1 or 2 players.
After a while, players just keep coming back because they Automatically start to assume it will have players there in the server most of the time.
And also after a while, the server tends to have players in it Most of the time Mainly because of this phenomenon.
This is the "Niche" or "Cycle" that MRS has attained now - the players come back because they assume Other players Will be there.
What reinforces this statement is when I see that {MRS} is empty of players (or maybe even has only 1 or 2 in it) and a somewhat regular player of {MRS} comes over and plays on {CLD} (or any server), then more of the regular {MRS} players tend to show up on {CLD}.
The more players playing, the more that show up!
Because, Secondly, I also have set up a good server with equally fun deemers.
So has Hermskii with {CG}. :wink:
But, Firstly, Number ONE, they see that there are players playing in my server or Hermskii's {CG}! - That is the Number ONE reason they come!
They do not come to {MRS} because they like to play with MEAT. LOL :lol:
Some just leave - those that do stay just tolerate him is all, I suspect.
Fuzz_Ball wrote:Don't you (SB) think you're getting your panties in a bunch over nothing, here?
Nothing? MEAT verbally attacks SB whenever and where ever he can.
I'll bet Your "panties" would be in a bunch also. LOL (maybe even tied in knots? - ouch!) :lol:
Fuzz_Ball wrote:Now I don't mind playing with you (SB) even though you use set netspeed keybind cheats so let's all play nice or I'm shutting down the entire Internet.
See next replies to your posts about these so-called "cheats" LOL :lol: ... (quotes below)
Fuzz_Ball wrote:Bob, you're taking this $#!t way too seriously.
It's obvious, Mr. MEAT's mere presence annoys you. Everyone who plays redeemers sees that.
I was only messin' with ya.
A true statement! (and I hope you were only joking!)
Fuzz_Ball wrote:I find it peculiar that at the slightest hint of impropriety, certain players such as you get hyper offended and then go on the offense.
Huh??? "slightest hint of impropriety"???
Again, MEAT verbally attacks SB whenever and where ever he can, and a lot. (NOT slight!!!)
Fuzz_Ball wrote:Sure you're a good player and always good company...
SB is a very good player (I think one of THE Best!) and also very good company in a game! :wink:
I must say here also that SB most of the time asks players if they want help with playing redeemer, and if he notices a player having trouble he will stop and give them some pointers virtually ALL the time.
I also gotta say that I have seen MEAT help many newbie players in a similar fashion.
These 2 guys (SB and MEAT) Both have that one thing for sure in common I will say here! :wink:
Fuzz_Ball wrote:... but in-game, you seem to move in a particular direction and then skip a few frames and disappear.
I've played a lot of game types and very rarely see others doing that.
What's an average player like me to think?
That is called "Using a Translocator" (a special moving-about technique that many use) I see it a lot. - LOL (need I say more?) LOL :lol:

Maybe SB's idea of getting together, face to face, over a "few" bottles of beer would be good.
If we all had the wherewithal to do this, like a UT reunion, it would be fun indeed! - Hook
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Re: Meat, you should really seek help. You're a sick kid.

Post by Hermskii » Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:05 am

I'm not going to lock this thread nor amI going to delete it but I do hope everybody leaves this one alone going forward and I will be watching everything going on here on all of the forums very closely with an itchy trigger finger. Have fun!


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Re: Meat, you should really seek help. You're a sick kid.

Post by OLDschoolDEEMER » Sat Dec 18, 2010 2:59 am

I didnt check the post dates so im prob dragging this up....oh well,Im chiming in with MY two cents. First, it wasnt my intention to create an account to post on this topic and remain somewhat just worked out good that way due to either my account being suspended, deleted or i might have just forgotten my password. :D
Eitherway, i supose you willl prob figure it out...after all, Thats what forum nazi's do right Hermskii?
I have no doubt in my mind this is a futile post as you take great solace in the fact that you can Ban, edit and delete whatever and whomever you like,(a kid with a magnifying glass as it were) (or a nerdy schoolkid who grows up to be a security guard) but this is an open forum (as we are lead to believe) and simply as its never been said before, you only allow what you agree with, anything beyond that is "not tolerated" I believe im not breaching the coverted hermskii terms of use, either way, youl get to ban two accounts which should do wonders for your ego...if it dosnt get deleted (pffft) well, good for you buddy! I look forward to the plethora of moronic comments from the hordes of monster hunters that seem to be able to smell the embarrasment of one of their own from a mile away.
Obviously silent bob's blatent threats of impending violence are not only lame as hell but somehow played down and interestingly ignored, How a "man" can threaten another man over himself being a lesser player whilst making claims of their mental health and NOT call it a joke is beyond me!! However, i thought him beating on his monkey chest was quite amusing. Please do NOT offer me addresses and phone numbers here BOB, i just dont swing that way :P
Then to post a whole bunch of psych-babble about how much of a martyr he is by staying away from MRS? wow....dilusional!
Ive been getting a right beat down from meat since day one of entering MRS. Ive been put down and be-littled by meat! Thats something i have never had from any one of you who are doing all the talking here. You all would like to say, "well thats cuz we are polite, and good sports and all that other crap you all go on about!" Simple fact is, you arnt as good as me, but yet im not as good as meat...SO,im better than you, not as good as meat. I occasionally screw up and one of you might get a kill, but that seems to be enough to keep all these hostilities at bay. Meat, dosnt do this and therefore is hated for it. I make this comparrison because i make meat look like a cute little kitten in the shadows of my arrogance and over inflated sense of accomplishment yet he seems to take all the abuse. I just dont care how much or how little any of you think about me. And frankly, i love rubbing your face in that too. I can only dream that i reach meats level and have everyone leave the room everytime i enter. I have my "Silent Bob types" that i call chicken or loser of "Expletive Deleted" when they leave when i come in and we all laugh at their lameness....never seen one of them rock up here and start crying about it tho, I guess that would make it even more enjoyable for me tho.SB, now ive never had a falling out with you in the past (although you HAVE called me a cheat and accused me of being MEAT with an alias) but i do recognise that you leave the map everytime meat arrives... spare us the martyr speech here, but maybe its time for you to admit it is because he kicks your butt and then rubs your face in it! He does it to me too, difference is bud, i can channel my frustration and anger into becomming a better player and not getting all sooky about it.
I look up to meat and respect him for one reason, Its not because hes the server admin, not because he had a spanky lil forum going on here, and not for any other reason you might try to think of when you start throwing around head up rectum comments. He is better than me, and better than you and he had invested ALOT of time throughout the years in helping me refine my skills which helped my slaughter people just like you!
I supose you can really sum it all up by saying. SB you cant handle peole beating you and letting you know they beat you, Humble up and take what you deserve.
BTW, posting your business name and contact details just before making a whole bunch of posts that show your a complete douche is prob not the best advertisment angle. All it really says is, hmmm i can get a doughnut and listen to a raving moron at the same time. Throw in a nice hot cup of coffee and we got ourselves a right good time!

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Re: Meat, you should really seek help. You're a sick kid.

Post by OLDschoolDEEMER » Sat Dec 18, 2010 3:20 am

Fuzz_Ball wrote:Now, /3ob, Sure MEAT is a sick kid and may need help but he's alright with me.
Not if he would Continually and Falsely cut you down all the time without any provocation Fuzz.
I'll bet he would Not be alright with you then.
I know it would drive me nuts and I too would leave a server that MEAT is in, or if anybody did this, same thing!
I would avoid them.[/b][/color][/quote]

He has continually cut me down throughout the years and i havnt seeked therapy once!! :D

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Re: Meat, you should really seek help. You're a sick kid.

Post by Hermskii » Sat Dec 18, 2010 10:55 am


Amazingly, after reading that entire rant, I still don't know who you are! You questioned the status of your old account however and I have provided a current listing of the status of all HOH members on another topic I'll list shortly. If your name is on the list currently then it will explain that you are on it for breaking a rule here and what you must do to be UNDEACTIVATED and removed from the list. If you are not on the list and are having trouble logging in to the forum then you have likely forgotten your password and you can email me asking me to change it for you so that you can log in. I know I often forget my passwords when I'm in a frenzied babbling rage. It happens to all of us!

Here is the topic that list who, when and why any member here has been temporarily deactivated and when they can expect to be reactivated once they have requested to me to be reactivated:


Note that some members on that list are likely permanantly banned and should not waste my time asking to be reactivated and they know who they are!

Be warned that while I have decided to allow your current posts to stay here, you already sound like someone I don't want to have posting here because "I feel" nothing you said so far was positive, constructive, helpful or an aid to any member here in any way. The majority of active members here don't want or appreciate these kinds of posts.

This place belongs to me and I make the rules "here" so deal with it!

Hermskii the Server/Forum Nazi!


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Re: Meat, you should really seek help. You're a sick kid.

Post by 5i1ent/3ob » Sat Dec 18, 2010 2:35 pm

OldSchool, your assessment of me couldn't be more wrong dude, but your lack of insight is entertaining none the less:)

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Re: Meat, you should really seek help. You're a sick kid.

Post by Hook » Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:53 am

5i1ent/3ob wrote:OldSchool, your assessment of me couldn't be more wrong dude, but your lack of insight is entertaining none the less:)
I totally agree.
And MEAT isn't getting all the abuse here - he is GIVING it.
I witness it all the time.
He DOES play under aliases, a LOT, and there is proof on the net.
Yep, the MEAT alias proof is still sitting out there for anybody to see, but if I post it, it will surely disappear. :|

I would guess that OldSchoolDeemer IS MEAT.
He has the same misgivings as MEAT as to why some players leave when MEAT comes into a server.
It is NEVER because he is a good player - it is because he is so disliked because of his bad attitude, etc.
You can add me to the list of players that do not like to play UT with MEAT anymore.
And I could care less if I win or loose - everyone knows that.
I just don't like playing with him - just had enough of his lies and crude, arrogant bad attitude.
He is Bad for UT period.
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Re: Meat, you should really seek help. You're a sick kid.

Post by Fuzz_Ball » Sun Dec 19, 2010 3:19 am

I have a good idea of who it it not I'm no longer talking to any of you mamby-pamby Jag-offs..
_ Image * * Image

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Re: Meat, you should really seek help. You're a sick kid.

Post by OLDschoolDEEMER » Sun Dec 19, 2010 3:30 am

im not MEAT you goose!
BTW, im asumming he is one of the Banned forever members no one will name?? And i assume MRS forum has been permanently removed? Maybe some kind of explination would be posted here so some people who wernt here for WHATEVER happened, have some idea of where the forum went??? Ive only got some (NO DOUBT) hevily edited version to go by.

Ive never seen him under an alias, I ALWAYS know the difference between someone who is beating me, and the unbridled anger i get when MEAT does it.

I was saying that SB has called me (and im not MEAT) MEAT in the past cuz i was wooping him....then he called me a cheat and left.

So effectively, He assumed i was MEAT (funny how YOU two think the same way? maybe HOOK is SB and SB is HOOK? lol) gave me some abuse (the same as he is crying about) and then left the map. Im only speaking from personal experience, and it seems like if SB isnt winning, hes calling ppl cheats and running away. Based on that, I can COMPLETELY understand why MEAT dosnt like him. Im not even MEAT and ive been accused of cheating by him.
I too have been known to use alias' in MRS so that i can get a map or two in before people leave.
It really depends how you look at playing with MEAT,
Yes its annoying on so many levels... For You HOOK and SB, you dont like it because of his jeers, arrogance and im sure it would feel nice to win once in a while. See, Thats the exact reason i like playing MEAT is because he dosnt sugar coat it, he knows hes great at deemer, and he dosnt mind telling ANYONE who will listen!! In fact he goes one better and rubs it in!
Some people have the drive and ambition to use that to get better, others will always be bottom feeders.

Its arrogant...yet effective.

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Re: Meat, you should really seek help. You're a sick kid.

Post by OLDschoolDEEMER » Sun Dec 19, 2010 3:37 am

[quote="HookHe DOES play under aliases, a LOT, and there is proof on the net.
Yep, the MEAT alias proof is still sitting out there for anybody to see, but if I post it, it will surely disappear. :|quote]

Not that it means a damn thing, so what if he plays under aliases? But id still like to see this proof somehow?

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