A WARNING for our GUESTS: A second reckoning cometh...

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A WARNING for our GUESTS: A second reckoning cometh...

Post by Hermskii » Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:39 am

A second reckoning cometh...

Yes. Its time draws near.

The "Light of Truth" is about to illuminate many UT sites and forums in regards to the last reckoning here and its effects upon the "Redeemer Only Mod" community.

For too long I have bitten my tongue while a few former members from here have not hesitated to talk smack at every chance they've had. They and their deeds will be revealed here once and for all.

What will be will be. I'm about to blow the lid off this thing and we'll see what happens!

No current forum member is in my line of sight.

I also want to offer a chance to "those who know who they are" to contact me. Contact me and "APOLOGIZE" for your misdeeds against me, this forum and its members or face your followers and fellow gamers when I expose you.

I have a predetermined amount of time in mind that I will wait to hear from you. I expect it to take a day or two for you to view this message for yourselves. If I haven't heard from all parties by then and you know who you are... a second day of reckoning cometh.

Have a nice day!


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Re: A WARNING for our GUESTS: A second reckoning cometh...

Post by Hermskii » Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:41 am

Funny! I'm going to nickname this enlightening. I'm calling it "The REDEEMER" and it seems to fit so well! LOL!

It's not a mod. It can't be hacked. It can't be firewalled. It can't be tweaked. No anti-spam or antivirus blocks the truth. Nothing will stop it. It is the truth. It is the light. It is like Jesus. It is the "REDEEMER" and let me finish by saying...



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Re: A WARNING for our GUESTS: A second reckoning cometh...

Post by Hermskii » Tue Jun 28, 2011 10:25 pm

I'm a practicing Catholic. I've been trying very hard in church lately to actually pay attention to the words that I have been saying by memory since I was about 5 years old. This last Sunday when I was at mass the congregation as a whole said the Lord's Prayer which is also known as the Our Father.

While saying this prayer, two lines of it jumped out at me. They were as follows:

"Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

I thought about that hard and the way it seems to address this situation. I have often spoken about taking the high road here and everywhere when possible meaning that I don't have to out-do someone, own them, out them, disgrace them just because I can. It's like when you know you can beat the little 8 year old in a game of basketball but you keep it close and fun. You give of yourself to allow someone else to feel better about themselves even though you know and they know they don't truly necessarily deserve it.

I also had a good discussion with someone here who put it to me bluntly saying that even with all of the undeniable evidence I have, those who have wronged me will still just deny it and continue with their behavior because they are simply wired like that. Wired to lie and cover up and slander and whatever else it takes to keep them as comfortable as possible in the false and sick world they live in. I have to agree with the person who gave me this advice and I want that person to know I appreciate their words of wisdom. Per the lines of the prayer I pasted I have already forgiven those who trespassed against me and have decided not to be led into the temptation of destroying these folk's reputations in the UT community. I hope this decision helps me to be delivered from evil as in not dealing with these folks anymore.

So there it is. I won't be nuking them at this time though my redeemer is fully loaded and always at the ready. For the record, none of the people I gave a chance to came forward to apologize to me contacted me. I will continue to sit on my mountain of telephone recordings, emails, PMs, server logs, forum logs, forum post from this and other forums in regards to this nasty event that occurred nearly a year ago. Today I was strong and took the high road once again as usual. Some other day these folks might not be so lucky. I'll keep praying for myself and for them though. That is all!


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Re: A WARNING for our GUESTS: A second reckoning cometh...

Post by Hook » Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:11 pm

This is Actually the (near) PERFECT outcome or response, at this time, to Letting "THE REDEEMER" loose.
Yes, it was just about exactly what I was thinking in my head when thinking about what you posted here at first, and what to do.

I am sorry I didn't chat with you about my thoughts on this - just been real hectic lately and I thought you would come up with this very "high road" outcome to this anyway, as you always do.
You always say it like it is with No BS, and write out just the way it should be with all the ethics and truths - Bravo!
I also thank the person (or persons?) you did discussed this with - they are also very good, wise and ethical, like yourself Hermskii, and I am very glad they came forward and let you know their feeling on this.

And what you wrote above REALLY Rings True here and has been shown to be true over and over since they chose the Low Road on all of this...
"even with all of the undeniable evidence I have, those who have wronged me (and all of us) will still just deny it and continue with their behavior because they are simply wired like that. Wired to lie and cover up and slander and whatever else it takes to keep them as comfortable as possible in the false and sick world they live in."
How True!!! - VERY Profound and exactly what most good UT people think!
(at least the people that have Not been Duped by them)

Oh, which reminds me...
Why did I put "(near)" up above as "(near) PERFECT"?
Well, the only thing that bothers me about this whole thing are the poor people who have been Duped by them.
I can deal with all the shady deeds that went on, that they did and still do, and even a few others that went with them and condone the shady deeds, p-o-r-n, lies, twisting of truth that they did and still do, but there are still a lot of others in their "camp" that are there because they were invited by PM and email and "Duped" into being there and supporting them.
They do Not know what they are doing and also do Not Know what really went on or what kind of people they are registering with. Alas poor people!
It is like watching blind folded people unknowingly walking around a cow pen full of cow droppings.
You just keep hoping that they will take off the blind folds and SEE what they are stepping in!!!
I just feel real sorry for them! - Hopefully they will soon SEE the truth.
Luckily and Thankfully, I am finding that Most or Many UT people out there are smart enough to know better and also can see right through the facade the couple of people in question that chose to leave HOH here and HUTP.

Let's just make sure we keep all the threads intact where this is concerned so that all who WANT to read it, AS IT HAPPENED, are Able to read it and hopefully understand and acknowledge just what Actually and Truthfully took place!!!
People can Freely Read the tip of the iceberg here anyway, as there is a lot more to this than the mere threads show.
I will also freely show anybody who has an inclination to find out the truth, I will show anybody the threads of evidence here and anywhere else that the truth resides.
This is the only way that people will be able to open their eyes again.

Anyway - Otherwise, ALL is GREAT, and in Fact, VERY GOOD! - Yeah, let's turn the page.
A Great Thing here Hermskii - I am glad of what became of this here.
I feel very good also.
Let's hope "they" don't pull some more "fast ones", and they leave us and all Good UT Fans alone and Stay in their own "cow pen" LOL :lol: , and we can go about our FUN in peace again.
Some more Great News is - We are building up (or rebuilding) a very good, ethical, fun, sportsman like and respectable group once again between HOH here and HUTP, and elsewhere people are taking notice and agreeing also.
Regular Server players have been Steadily Growing, and at an even faster pace than I had expected. - Awesome!
Thanks for playing at our servers players!

But, just for the sake of good, and all good UT people everywhere, keep all that evidence safe and Intact as it is, and also keep "THE REDEEMER" Loaded and on the ready if needed!
"... deliver us from evil."

Yes - The High Road! - PEACE!
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Re: A WARNING for our GUESTS: A second reckoning cometh...

Post by Hermskii » Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:34 am

I had actually just made a post and posted it with the story of what happened and then I saw this post from you so I deleted my post and read yours since I had missed it entirely. I went ahead and left my deleted post off for right now but I have decided after some good reading today that the time is now to release the information behind the fallout between me and you know who!

I think my write up is pretty simple and too the point. I doubt it will be challenged since I found out today that some of the truth about what happened is already out there. Sadly a whole lot of crap is out there too but to date, only about 4 people actually know what happened on my end of all of this and I just don't feel like I'm doing anybody any favors by not shining light on what happened. At worst I figure I'll save several people the trouble of what I had to deal with.

So yes, I'm going to post what happened in a straightforward account of these events. Anybody want to try to talk me out of it? Looking back I don't know why I didn't just come out and tell everyone straight up what happened other than knowing I'd quickly find out who was with me and who was against me. That worked out real good and this place is sparkly clean now! I don't feel like I'm being tempted in to opening up about this. I feel others will suffer if they aren't aware of risk and risky people.


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Re: A WARNING for our GUESTS: A second reckoning cometh...

Post by Madcow » Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:22 pm

I for one, would like to know what this was all about and who was involved.
AKA MickeyM©

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Re: A WARNING for our GUESTS: A second reckoning cometh...

Post by Hermskii » Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:51 pm

Here you go then!



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Re: A WARNING for our GUESTS: A second reckoning cometh...

Post by Hook » Fri Jul 15, 2011 2:19 pm

Madcow - Bravo!
It would certainly be nice if all UT peeps out there cared to see what is what! :wink:
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Re: A WARNING for our GUESTS: A second reckoning cometh...

Post by {§ÎR}Írôn Chef » Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:26 pm

yea that was an eye opener :shock: ! had no idea ya'll had so much trouble outa him and the other one.. Been away playing other games for too long lol

All the best,


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Re: A WARNING for our GUESTS: A second reckoning cometh...

Post by Hermskii » Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:27 pm

There's lots more to come still. Keep your eyes open! LOL>


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