Computer Question

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Re: Computer Question

Post by a nameless entity » Fri Sep 09, 2016 10:18 pm

Here's a question from your stubborn XP user:

When the heck did Micro$oft stop updating Micro$oft Security Essentials for XP??

I thought it had a while to go yet. Like, at least two more years. Did they change their mind, or was I just wrong (again!)??

I noticed the last few nights that I would have to click on "End Now" for MSE during shutdown. So tonight I opened the program to find that the bastards not only are NOT supporting MSE for XP anymore, but that the last update it must have downloaded shut the program down entirely.
It's not running at all now. So I've lost even the sketchy protection of the last set of updates this free AV offered.

I think the sneaky way that those fokkers just shut it down without any warning nag screens or anything is beyond the pale.

Is there anything left out there for XP in the way of free AV's??

I will NOT be rushed into any new purchases. I need time to decide what to do about this. In the mean time I'm not going anywhere new on the internet. And for the moment I will continue my policy of running either Avira PC Cleaner or Malware Bytes Free just before shutdown at bedtime.
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Re: Computer Question

Post by Nelsona » Sat Sep 10, 2016 11:52 am

a nameless entity wrote:When the heck did Micro$oft stop updating Micro$oft Security Essentials for XP??
Happened a long time ago... a small update and it was pulled over. I have checked that update to no longer show (computer from my job - there is XP installed there for apps used in programming devices). Right now that machine it is still updating MSE properly because I have "Normal" version of MSE and not "updated one". Also I have all last updates at explorer and MaliciosRemovalTool directly from M$ update site according to P_O_S*Done version (definition screwed against Bot seeking).
Currently "in da house" I have Bit_Defende_our_yard ( screwed against stupid x million results of G00gle smarty "BataDase" ).

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Re: Computer Question

Post by EvilGrins » Sat Sep 10, 2016 2:49 pm

a nameless entity wrote:When the heck did Micro$oft stop updating Micro$oft Security Essentials for XP??
As a former stubborn XP user (still had XP up until not quite 2 years ago) I can tell you it was discontinued roundabout 3 or 4 years ago.

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Re: Computer Question

Post by a nameless entity » Sat Sep 10, 2016 6:17 pm

Thanks Nelsona and EG, but that isn't what I was asking.

The fact of the matter is, that although XP was no longer supported and there were no program updates for MSE, there still were definition updates until recently. I knew that the definition updates would stop eventually, but I thought it would be a while yet before they stopped. I am assuming that the cut off date was August 31-September 5th or thereabouts, because it wasn't until after that time that I started to notice that MSE was "not responding" and I had to click on "end now" to manually close the program during a full shutdown of the PC.

I'm still really p.o.'ed with Micro$oft for just sending out an "update" that killed the installation, without warning. The cheap bastards wouldn't even let me keep an outdated version of the program with outdated definitions. I consider this arbitrary killing of the program without any sort of warning a stab in the back.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do about any future PC, but any form of Windoze on it is far less likely than it was a week ago. :evil:

Someone recommended a program called "NOD 32 v.7" during a game of monster hunt last night. I have no idea what it is.

Are there any other recommendations out there? I need to keep going on this XP rig a while longer. I just paid a plumber over $500 to do some long put off work. :?
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Re: Computer Question

Post by Nelsona » Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:51 am

Your welcome !
Cya next update, or maybe when they will turn off everything... eh...
Like I said I have some XP updates...
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Re: Computer Question

Post by Hermskii » Mon Sep 12, 2016 9:05 am

Have you considered a new PC yet? They have some pretty awesome laptops with WIN 10 on them as low as $200. You could buy an awesome desktop with Windows 7 on it for $100 easy if you looked around.


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Re: Computer Question

Post by a nameless entity » Mon Sep 12, 2016 9:32 pm

Well Nelsona, if that is a picture of an XP version of MSE you just showed me, then ...... lucky you!
Maybe I should go see if I can fetch a manual update at Micro$oft's website.

Herm, I have been watching for a good deal on a new PC at Staples or Best Buy for some time.
I am so impressed with this Asus monitor that I bought 2 years ago that I have been hoping to get an Asus PC for a good price. There's been some almost good enough deals out there, but only once did I see what I wanted, but couldn't buy at that time due to incoming bills to pay.

I'm rather favouring a 2tb drive over a 1 tb, knowing how fast they fill up these days, and the more ram the better. Too often a sweet looking PC otherwise will only have 8 gig of RAM. I want 12 or 16.

I have concerns over Windoze 10 and its tendancy to phone home with the latest "gossip" about me. I'll need help shutting that sh!t off if I get that O/S. You already know about my desire for maximum privacy.

Lastly I'd like to get this PC protected again and have it as a 2nd rig. Because I still haven't given up on the idea of using this old war horse as a UT99 server. I'd still like to make a redeemer arena boot camp type server, with mostly large maps with lots of hiding places for the newbies to run and hide in. Sort of along the lines that CG used to be when Schwantz's server was considered the "experienced" players server. :)
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Re: Computer Question

Post by Nelsona » Tue Sep 13, 2016 12:02 pm

a nameless entity wrote:Well Nelsona, if that is a picture of an XP version of MSE you just showed me, then ...... lucky you!
Maybe I should go see if I can fetch a manual update at Micro$oft's website.
It's not about luck, I was missing some 3 months around "expiring date" looking over informations - of course M$ are singing the same song. Me, being human, some of human side reacts in reversal > Update that - No, I don't, so what ? Perhaps if they would say that Win10 is special and not that recommended for common user, maybe I would think of it. As always a good product doesn't need a lot of advertising it is being popular by quality and not "forced".
Else they officially closed gates for XP and creating a program update for MSE (not virus database) but an update for turning it off - I checked that as a denied update so it won't bug things. Else a small reg modification will make XP "different" and receiving updates until 2019. So bla bla end support is a song officially distributed but you might want to read hidden phrases in all this story. Else some dudes are about to manage themselves XP if Micro$oft went out of duty... I'm not gonna post more details just use G00gl3 and see... I'm currently using an USB stick portation which is way faster and more silent than cooking eggs on a CD in CD-ROM unit burning like fire after usage...

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Re: Computer Question

Post by Dr.Flay » Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:59 pm

NOD32 is made by ESET. Over the last 2 years it has started to fall behind. It was always in the top 5 but now dips in and out.
You can see on this chart of the last half year averages it is good, but not brilliant.

Furthest to the right, the better it is at catching incoming or active threats.
Furthest to the top, the better at finding malware during a scan.
Image ... -quadrant/
Notice that Microsoft does not fair well, as it is far too basic (and only monitors IE addons)

I just checked Windows Defender and MSE on my XP box. They both update and show definitions made yesterday.
Both these programs have the stupid reliance on Windows updates layer providing the new versions and definitions.
Regularly this breaks on my PC, so I have to run the installer file again to fix it.
This wipes the current definitions and resets the preferences, but it always lets me update again.

Currently on XP I am using Qihoo 360 with extra Avira and Bitdefender engines switched on (its own is a little better than Microsoft at scanning files, but a lot better with active threats), and other that the lag and RAM use when it updates, I am very impressed.
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Re: Computer Question

Post by Nelsona » Fri Sep 30, 2016 3:00 pm

Bump regarding to Computer Question VS image above... with cute anti-virus apps...

For known reasons, like a normal sane PC user I went to install some Antivirus (let's not say names for the moment). While antivirus was a "superb" one it was using as support NetFramework_X by M$... Cough...
Aha, if you don't have that FRAME of Work this gorgeous app will install one for you downloading it from some source.

The Fact: These Frames of Works uses to quit serving system if they are idling. Else due to some known/unknown troubles and memory consuming they quit by themselves. FASCINATING occurrence happened while in one random moment of my existence I went to check what Antivirus does (scanning in background - good job...), however by inspecting system services (for unused things) I could figure Frame of Work in cause STOPPED. Well... I got mad... No, I'll bite...
Tell me PC users why in mother of God They load me with hundreds of MB of stuff with vulnerabilities and problems which are NOT even USED by super duper anti-virus but... it needs that. So many old apps are working without craps from M$ garbage storage and suddenly we need something which it's not even started. This way of optimizing PC usage/apps is convincing me to no more buy or use computers if these machines which I'm using are going to be damaged, seriously these "programmers" are causing only PAIN.
If someday you'll figure me totally missing, take in account this post. I'm really getting tired of IT lies and trash dropped to fool people, seriously I had trust in those guys programmers but they... might be on drugs...

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Re: Computer Question

Post by Dr.Flay » Sun Oct 02, 2016 11:22 pm

I agree so much it hurts.
I would kill .NET framework if I could.
The amount of wasted space and pointless duplication drives me crazy, and each update adds more and never replaces.
Even when Micro$oft fix something, you still have the old files floating around.
You end up with some dumb font cache service that eats CPU, and to be honest most of the software I have that uses .NET, is smaller than .NET

A good example is the very excellent HDD Guardian.
* Open Source. Wonderful
* Is a GUI for the powerful and open source smartctl. Excellent
* Is a 2.7 MB download. Lovely
* Needs .NET 4. (Grrrrrr)
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Re: Computer Question

Post by Nelsona » Mon Oct 03, 2016 12:37 am

Wait, I forgot to mention that at a moment some Mozilla update went garbled, program loaded in memory but not running... Then All installs/re-installs went almost similar (I guess some registry was screwed). I have reinstalled OS and creating a limited user which mainly cannot screw OS. Then I was digging into resources about rights and all bla bla and I even found a section where "This computer can be accessed from Network by" or such having some... stuff. Well... as a test for myself I have removed all losers, oops users, capable of accessing Machine through Network. What happened ? Nothing... it is booting now quickly system stay OK and User profile is limited at 30 MB, aha more stuff is useless but probably I have to keep reading and dig more how to optimize machine WITHOUT apps and having a bunch of free resources which I never have officially. Yes, an original OEM customized with N-L!t3 is way better than anything.

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Re: Computer Question

Post by Nelsona » Tue Oct 11, 2016 1:23 am

Okay, I figured a few new things:
1. All Mozilla updates beyond version 48.0.2 are requiring processors having SSE2 else it will be None Mozilla in your yard.
2. As probably happened even in Higor's compilations involving SSE2 instructions, Mozilla screwed things up due to a compiler crap - intelligent* programmers making a bugged compiler, so Mozilla went to an add-on update, a sort of critical hot-fix. Now I understand why at a moment it went stuck - even I have reinstalled all stuff at this point after some update.
3. I draw a conclusion like for a sound driver which stabbed me in back (no more input source available) - NOT ALL NEW and Latest News stuff is good - Wait before doing any Update in order to see if other users will not complain about, because new IT guys are tired of work and they do garbage in random moments of their existence making a mess in your yard.

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Re: Computer Question

Post by Nelsona » Fri Nov 18, 2016 4:13 pm

Went from some box - an AMD CPU which I set to 1.1 GHz in testing purposes, XP starts faster and clean regarding to what were doing those super duper tweaking accelerators (slowing down machines the mostly). 2 GB of Ram looks helpful for making machine cute. Aside:
- Mozilla v48.0.2 still talk me to UPDATE at v48 (now I have the confirmation of some idiots developers) probably update = downgrade :?
- Skype is installing properly but returns an error when it starts and doesn't do nothing else than quitting. Not even older versions are not doing nothing like a login.
I drew a simple conclusion, while new "stuff" doesn't run in such environment, probably the rest of super duper surveillance and care will have problems too - good for me to not be bugged by lousy spam, LOL. Keep doing SSE2 spy stuff, boys - it won't run in my house :P .

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Re: Computer Question

Post by a nameless entity » Thu Dec 01, 2016 3:51 pm

Wow Nelsona, you raise a lot of concerns with what you are saying.

There's been a lot of talk about Windoze 10 needing to be reconfigured in order to maximize your privacy settings, especially if you buy a ready made computer.

If I end up buying another Dell or get some other ready made box, what exactly should I do to maximize my privacy?
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