Customized tweaking

Posts about Nelsona's findings in UT!
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Re: Customized tweaking

Post by Hermskii » Mon Sep 03, 2018 2:47 am

True that damage should be more consistent. Funny that they have "HURT ZONES"

So much logic has to be built into all of this stuff. It is amazing.


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Re: Customized tweaking

Post by Nelsona » Thu Sep 13, 2018 3:52 pm

This was somehow an easy task. Next one was a bit more difficult.

MonsterHunt map LandsOfNapali is made from a mix (has duplicated actors, some bad lights, too many Nodes, etc.)
For the benefits of performance in company of Bots/Monsters I went to write patch files aiming this Level and doing changes. ALL Path-Net has been destroyed and a newer one has been recreated in run-time. Due to Engine limitations I had to setup some technology for breaking iterations and going over boundaries. This task do takes a few seconds which is an AGE in CPU terms, else UE1 will explode...
- relic types mutators are suffering because the old network is gone at once with all such toys after operating changes - relics are initiated too early - not this case but I can predict the problem;
- Mutator for preventing telefrag at starting games was affected spawning player in old base all the time - also too fast.
Definitely I needed a delay on purpose to wait for patch modules to finish their job before messing up with a NONE old Network.
A tiny mutator having the duty to load other mutators LATER - DELAYED, after a defined period of time. Once tested in Monster Gaming Server and figuring if has issues or not, I went to drop it in public for whoever needs it, at HOF.
Some mutators used in UT are really supporting a later load rather than being fired in first tick. What for such a load after all ? And why old rules in 2018 ? I've asked in my head...
They can be added later: ScoreSaver, SwarmSpawner, Other relics, etc. because they don't need to be there in first second causing more iterations when game is being initialized. In this category might go even several ServerActor types which are addressing some common fix (like for MonsterHuntArena abomination).

These are default troubles, an advantage must be completed by something later else it might be causing issues as well... but I'm feeling comfortable in that place. Server hosted by NfoServers is... a monster. Tick-rate do seems to not even blink as stable as it is... In the past I was only dreaming such things, but now they went at reality... and that's a multi-server, I mean running multiple custom game-types not only MonsterHunt and all of them have some monsters participants... :D I'm not sure if I need to ask for more in this UT.

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Re: Customized tweaking

Post by Hermskii » Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:31 pm

When you make changes to these maps, will the maps still work in MH1 and MH2 and later versions of MH if there are any? If you made changes in the map, are you saving the map with a new name?


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Re: Customized tweaking

Post by Nelsona » Thu Sep 20, 2018 11:55 pm

Nelsona wrote: For the benefits of performance in company of Bots/Monsters I went to write patch files aiming this Level...
I did not say about saving nothing. Map is running in original as it was done years ago, changes are in run-time. Mutators are changing Levels since forever... but in 2018 we do have more technology to deploy even PATHS which usually only Editor can do.
Player having map in cache will use it as it is because nothing is edited/changed in map, all changes are... in run-time and nothing else.
You don't have to believe me, server is running and is called Monster Gaming Server running on default port 7777 at address 64_dot_94_dot_238_dot_23.
There are running MonsterHunt, a sort of MonsterHunt 2, MonsterArena, DeathMatchPlus with Monsters, CaptureTheFlag with Monsters (some other ones team ready), TeamDeathMatch with Monsters. Everything is real at this time, not stories. Patch files are compatible with these MH games of mine.

Last Patch files are aiming MH-Purgatory[final]. Let's say that patch files are making it "final" because it was not ready.
Snippets from patch files:

Code: Select all

Wp = class<Actor>( DynamicLoadObject("MonsterHunt.MonsterWaypoint", class'Class', True) );
	if ( Wp != None )
		log ("Spawning MH Bot objectives...",LTag);
		K1 = Spawn(class'MonsterWaypoint',,,vect(-3704,1264,-480));
		K2 = Spawn(class'MonsterWaypoint',,,vect(3519,4850,-481));
		if ( K2 != None )
			MonsterWayPoint(K2).Position = 2;
		K3 = Spawn(class'MonsterWaypoint',,,vect(2312,812,30));
		if ( K3 != None )
			MonsterWayPoint(K3).Position = 3;
		K4 = Spawn(class'MonsterWaypoint',,,vect(4312,5248,-432));
		foreach NavigationActors(class'PathNode',Pa,30,vect(-371,5206,-49)) //XC_Engine here
			if (string(Pa.Name) ~= "PathNode59")
				Pa.bStatic = False; //Don't try this with your stock
				Pa.bCollideWhenPlacing = False;
				Pa.bMovable = True;
				Pa.bStatic = True;
if (string(A.Name) ~= "Mover11") // Position 494 - Trash them, not going to open these EVER...
			Mover(A).BumpType=BT_PawnBump; //just for fun
			Mover(A).NumKeys=1; //Done
			A.Group = A.Name;
			log ("Mover"@A.Name@"has NumKeys ="@Mover(A).NumKeys,LTag);
		if (string(A.Name) ~= "Mercenary0") // Position 985 - This one has been lost in a None war, lol. Get 'im back. Client will have a nice guy - I think...
			A.SetLocation(vect(-555,4611,51)); //Move it to a safe spot
If you try to play map in original for 1 minute and then checking log you'll figure what I mean in last Actor debate... These patch files are aiming ORIGINAL maps not edited ones.

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Re: Customized tweaking

Post by Nelsona » Sun Sep 23, 2018 6:05 am

In order to figure how do looks the action in Original map but having some rebel patch files loaded we can quote some changes done.
Let's say that with sky visible from start spot I have no clue why there is dark. Monsters can see in the dark so bugging player has no purpose, I simply added a lamp and making spot visible - this is client stuff deployed in map in run-time.
Beginning also did not have healing spots making action a bit too difficult right form start. We have some vials (original) but copying skins from VIALS which are in map here and there in order to look original.
At a moment when all "hunters" fired weapons to that Krall, it was pushed through window almost to break to not forget high area totally open and making possible cheating. Hunting without opening doors. I've spread some "glass" actors around in order to stop jerking and 241 blockers for keeping life-forms in battle zone.
Speaking about whatever MH2 versions, my versions have Bot Support modified properly for such versions and extended a bit, as result it has full compatibility with MonsterHunt generally (except special situations if mappers have balls for that - I did not see this yet). New monsters are coming in week-end times from Friday to Sunday, some of them are newer pupae pawns tweaked by Kelly and finished with skins and names by these patch files making game more complex and aggressive specific to my MH2 types for completing regens added with no reason and giving them a logic purpose. Split based on attachment rules
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Re: Customized tweaking

Post by Nelsona » Sun Sep 23, 2018 6:16 am

Continuing with MH2 game facts.
I think they have a normal colliding offset not like default pupae, they have legs and face visible not into the ground and bugged back leg as default pupae. I've created some skins for them in order to make them to look different for "player warning" about these bad-ass pupaes.
The rest of action is based on relevant paths added in Level during first second of game. Monsters can fight back...
These attacks are not that aggressive in XC_MonsterHunt but are evil in my lasts MH2 types - map is titled Purgatorium after all as shown in image splashed around start area. Patching badge is shown from time to time for figuring if something did not went wrong at loading modules.
Death can be tasted at Monster Gaming Server owned by Schwartz, patch modules are loaded there for primary testing in Net-Play toward long distances between player and server and then if everything works file, files are going to be available at HOF in NavAdder's forum thread.

This is for clarification about NavAdder's purpose toward patching maps task. Yeah, old maps - new game.

Errata for previous posting
Purgatory was another map conflicting in that time (2012) when I demanded name-change so this debated here map is being called MH-Purgatorium[final], MH-Purgatory could cause... a MISMATCH and that's why I asked Terraniux to rethink the title.
Else previous map MH-Pugatory was using a texture called Ancient1.utx, a perfect copy of stock file Ancient.utx which was a stupidity of that guy <Firefly> or how was/is called. Those people have to clue what they do in this UT.
Copying a stock to another identical file or doing similar packages like UTMHPack and MHMonsters just for having a duplicate load it's just overriding all my understanding.
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Re: Customized tweaking

Post by Nelsona » Fri Nov 29, 2019 1:38 pm

And some bump toward whatever more or less news:
- UT is under some update process - which means that whatever UT 469 is under testing/working (g00gle for info) which will have some fixes - but I might expect "fixes" as well - you might know quotes meaning. If not let me see:
1. will be compiled for compatibility with whatever Windoze protocols and this might break backward compatibility;
2. Libraries by M$ are WAY TOO DIFFERENT and then compiling will be probably challenging;
3. if new functions are brought and used for new mods these won't be compatible with original UT unless that mod is a smarty thing - capable to read versions;
4. Even in whatever ut 468 release note is described that Editor it's fixed I did not see ANY LINK for that update - for me it's a nice not salty myth.
5. Whatever...
- if one of points will burn my patience again bringing me at working table, this most wanted update will go downgraded in seconds if possible. Because:
1. XC_Engine v24b by Higor even if still has problems with collision tweaks, it works with that disabled. This XCGE version has a powerful DevPath which for my game-play with Bots and Monsters it's a jewel to not forget newer EditorAdds things including those written by myself.
2. Evil stock UT files can be updated and conformed with original UT, so in a plain server we can discard calling crusher functions and new files won't have any mismatch.
3. Nasty maps but beautiful ones, can be also patched using private files addressing these maps, using mutators for doing updates in run-time.
4. Servers can have logs saved properly and even some auto-update features for keeping them active without more than a few seconds of outages.
5. Servers can stay in a good state because we have auto-reboot tools implemented in UT itself refreshing memory and unloading junks.

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Re: Customized tweaking

Post by Hermskii » Mon Dec 02, 2019 12:44 am

So this patch sounds like it will fix several standard UT issues but I think I hear you saying it will break many custom things people made for UT. This would fracture UT even further which would be terrible. I had never even heard of these patches 468 and 469. The last I think I recall kowing anything about was 451b or something like that. Now, I'm off to google to see what this 469 patch is.

Thank you for telling us about this.


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Re: Customized tweaking

Post by Nelsona » Mon Dec 02, 2019 10:10 am

Let me put up something which I was thinking about. In whatever document is specified that PlayerCanSeeMe crash when server uses Bots should be better.
Lol ? Of course it's a LOL and a big one. MY old server and Your server were crashing properly WITHOUT Bots. Here I can deduct that some fixes are not gonna be done properly in such case. I'm hoping to see Higor helping out here because his version from XC_Engine it's way better than anything known by me so far.

For testing Higor's version I modified a CTF map for private testing where a PathNode was locking path when player was looking at it. When player was looking in other spot Path was usable by Bots - purpose was to see Bots attacking more unexpected. And then I tested map using default Engine - OFF-Line - no crash.
My deduction: Bug happens ON-Line because is under question a Player Owner of some connection. You can see connections opened in UT without Owner. When Owner is missing, in C++ you won't have Accessed None, this is CRITICAL and game is crashing. Off-Line we don't have connections and then Player is always authoritative. These missing sanity checks are damaging and they don't have anything with Bots - Bots are not owning any net-connection - seriously...
Default stock function it's also very wrong configured. As response to visibility it shows TRUE even if you are turned with back to the target Actor, yes Epic, YOU have screwed things up and not even after 18 years you didn't fix any of these goofing things. There is even a video on YouTube with this bug.

Like I said, if I won't be capable to run this "patch" I'll step away from it without even to blink. Last time ACE was nasty as well, kicked player for using a Package sent by server itself for "miss-behaving". OF COURSE the client was miss-behaving, package was ONLY for client aiming a visual tweaking stuff and nothing else. As you can see I won't trust anything until I'll "touch" it...

Secondary discussion is here... but people are really not understanding that NEW packages/classes/functions added will break all backward compatibility turning UT into a NOT UT game... I know what I'm saying because I witnessed what is happening when a function missing it's getting called in UT, but clowns are thinking that we can have "adds". There are adds doable in Editor - yes, they work because a map done with them has only default assets, they are only for optimizing and wrapping NOT ADDING functions.

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