The link beneath this paragraph will take you to the "House of Hermskii {HOH} Forum". This forum is basically dedicated to support of the Curious George's Redeemer Insanity server, the Monster Hunt Mayhem server, to this web site and is home to several other people's servers and forums who have contibuted to UT and share in a goal to keep this game alive with people who care enough to respect each other at all costs. This forum was created on 07/10/05. I hope this will provide a way for all of the players to be able to have a voice and express their opinion concerning my servers and anyone who plays on them. This forum will require you to register in order to post on any thread. Notice that these are two different forums listed below. Each one will require it's own user-name and password. These forums are not directly related or linked so a user-name and password at one forum will not work on the other unless you registered at both forums with the same user-name and password. If you use both forums, you will be required to register a user-name and password at each forum. Did I say that enough?

 House of Hermskii {HOH} Forum

      The link beneath this paragraph will take you to the "Redeemer Insanity Forum". This forum is described more in depth on this site's Home Page. I am still very active at this site as it is full of resources. It's collection of members are from all walks of life and I struggle to think of any topic that can't or hasn't already been discussed in depth. This forum will require you to register in order to post on any thread. Notice that these are two different forums. Each one will require it's own user-name and password. These forums are not directly related or linked so a user-name and password at one forum will not work on the other unless you registered at both with the same user-name and password. If you use both forums, you will be required to register a user-name and password at each forum. Did I say that enough again?

 Redeemer Insanity Forum